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light questions

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Hey LuvBuds, if you are unsure about what you are doing you should start off small and learn the way it's done before starting a commercial grow. Also, this site is for people doing personal grows so that they are free of dealers and it looks like you are planning to supply them, if you want help with a personal grow then this is the right place, Oz Stoner’s is not a help site for commercial growers though.
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Guest Wilderbud

Sounds like a commercial grow so Im not getting into that but itd probably be good for you to try a 1000 Watt light [or 2-3 of them] over a 3Mx3M setup - you should get a feel for growing after this and youll get a few ounces off of it [more like a pound] within 4 months and youll also get some clones for the real grow [from seed sucks]. lol


If youre just growing for yourself and friends then 3Mx3M should be plenty - when you get into cloning youll be able to pull a pound per month from something this size easilly - especially if its NLxSkunk or something like that [bred for commercial indoor crops?].


The more plants you have the more paranoia is involved and if I was you I wouldnt do a cash crop as I think it inevitably means jailtime and loss of property if you get busted.

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So you want to grow 3 pound? Geez, you smoke a bit eh? lol


A 600w has effectively twice the light output of a 400w, so it's a lot more efficient. Along with that extra light comes more heat tho, so you have to bump up the venting a bit. Is temperature going to be a problem in this shed? You'll probably be better off starting out with a small 600w like damo here, (good purchase on the truncheon too, those things rock man.) and learning the ropes with a meter square or so of space in canopy... That's the 50w p/sq ft equation for that. This should provide you with a good learning ground to work out how much you can pull with your skills and system, and you're just really tweaking from there... You can move up or down according to your personal needs.


A 600 shouldn't cost too much to run, but it depends on your individual situation and rates they charge ya, it's diff all over the country. Bottom line, a 600w is relatively cheap to run to grow, just make sure you don't go bonkers installing 50 electrical items into the grow and you should be fine. ;)


Now, if you're a complete newbie, and are prone to jumping in the deep end on things and not managing them properly, then I'd say you'll be much better off starting slowly and picking up skills as you go. Most first time growers will be disappointed if they don't think first and act second. So I'd learn growing first, perhaps try and get a decent harvest under a 600w lamp with a few plants, and see how ya go. Your individual harvests will vary depending on strain, growing method, temps, all kinds of factors, so it's kinda making sure you just keep the variables in check, and the plants should do the rest.


If you do have some growing experience, then all of this will be obvious to you, but I get the feeling you're not really aware of the magnitude of the 3 pound suggestion you've made... but still, if you're determined, I'm sure you'll do it. Post a couple of question threads in the relevant forums of your own, and we can nut out the specifics of your growing exp and proposed grow a little better. ;)

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I must agree with Luke's last sentiments, being rather new to growing, only having seen a friends grow and reading info here and on other sites a lot of the strains grown won't even produce 1/2 a LB/plant and some may be only a few onces and that is a professional grower I would assume as this info comes from strain guides,. Additionally depending on the strain you may need 3sqft / plant and with 50 watts/sqft, therefore that makes 12 sqft and 4 plants and at most 1-11/2 lbs. And obviosly this is theoretical and I would be v surprised if any1 without substantial experience could prod this kind of result it is more likely you will get a few ounces if it is done right.

But if you are going to start this is probably the best place to get info as I am sure you will find lots of help here.

A cheap place for lights is in gosford (NSW) either nutriflo or the hydro shack on the net (i found it in the yellow pages online)(soz can't remember which one-they probably do mail order also) (manta 600 watt- $230 + $100 or so for the fan ets includes choice of bulb sont luca etc. The cheapest 600w is about $205 last time I looked Good luck and if you find a cheaper 600 W please let me know. around here a 400w can be $250 so it pays to shop around,

Also before seting up your grow it may be an idea to check out the drug legislation and case law as too many plants in NSW will get you at least a supply charge, a cultivation charge and possibly the confiscation of money and property and that is WITHOUT them proving anything (cops can confiscate without a conviction and this is enshrined in FEDERAL law also). A good place to find this info is from your local law society or library

Good luck

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