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Cannabis sativa:effects and med. uses

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what?? once I smoked a sativa that made me convinced I was gonna have a heart attack, sativas sometimes make me feel guilty for no reason, I've been paranoid of people in the roof, shitting myself, having cancer, snakes in bed, thats what some sativas do to me.
:;): Yeah, the second time I ever smoked pot, I was 13 and it was some funky ass sativa that a mates big bro had left in his shed, except it was also laced (snow cones). Oh my god....... lol How totally fucked up can you be, you know when time almost stops and reality just starts to warp? It was almost similar to being on acid, when it first started :;): Imagine.......6 thirteen year olds thinking they're hot shit, trying out cones (buckets mind you, I had 2). 2 of them began spewing within the first 10 mins, in another 10 they were both cactus, one in the bathroom and one in the toilet. Then the next one started, except he spewed standing next to me in the kitchen (I was staring vacantly in my mates fridge at this stage)all over this guys mum's benchtop, rotflmfao. Then there were 3 left, me and 2 of my best mates. The pair of idiots were at this stage rolling around in the dining room play fighting. Except they were really punching fuck out of one another, they just didn't realise it. I think it would have been maybe 5 mins I stood there and watched, before they both realised I was there, they sat up and looked at me, I just said I had to go, and took off thru the front door. This is the fucked part, there's a bus stop directly out the front of this house................... :;): I ended up on a bus into town (instead of walking home), 40 mins away, and I live no-where near there. I'll never ever forget that day as long as I live, I was paranoid for years afterwards about smoking buckets. I've never been that blitzed again, ever. Unbelievable ;)
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White Cluster, lol Thanks for your input, personnel experience backing up or dismissing these theories are always heplful and appreciated I will try to explain why there may be some inconsistencies, two ppl of the same size, sex etc may still have very different reactions to a drug if say one has more plasma proteins that bind to the drug, effictively reducing the dose (generalisation) I think you will also find it may say "seldom" and the tests were probably not done with a high grade strain like you smoke. Some of the sources cited in the book were from the mid-80's so the research may have been done anytime before that because some of the mj references are not publications of expt. but earlier books on the subject, so the strains in heavy usage were probably not grown hydro.as any ppl buying off the streets were probably not getting the same kind ppl get now (IMO), this book was however considered a very good introduction to the broad subject of pharmacology at the time. I will try to get some better info on this subject though and post it later in the thread once I have had a chance to get together a list of possible med uses from a reliable source (possibly the NIH website) and that probably will be towards the end of the month as I am busy getting ready to start a new job. Thanks again for the replies WC and Chev81 they are always welcome Edited by syk613
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Ok this is the last part of this reference posted above. :)


Part 4: Adverse effects


-1-THC is relatively safe in overdose, producing drowsiness and confusion, DOES NOT respiratory and cardio effects that are life threatening (in adults).

-Much safer than alchol/opiates etc

-Low doses (1-THC and synthetic derivatives) produce euphoria and drowsiness also sometimes sensory distortion and hallucination and these effects along with legal restrictions preclude its widespread use in the clinic.

-1-THC has been shown to produce tratogenic and mutagenic effect in rats.

-Increasd incidence of chromosonal breaks in circulating white cells (not unique to 1-THC)

-There is however no increase in foetal malformation or cancer among cannabis users. (I wonder if this includes ppl who smoke pot or just use a vape or less carcinogenic form of administration ? Any1 seen any similar research?)

-Decreases plasma testosterone and reduced sperm count

-The assesment of long term psychological effects is hard, It is suggested it may cause schizophrenia, and gradual development of apathy and underachievement But causation is hard to prove even where a positive assocoation has been hard to prove

--The legalisation argument usually centres around the seriousness of these adverse effects, Opponents argue it mj could turn out to have serious toxic effects (not already identified, yeah right after 50 years of modern medicine and research)

-Proponents argue legislation encourages crime (who the hell would deal with fairies if we could grow legally or buy an once from the local 7-11 for $10 like tobbacco) and its a lot safer obviously than alchol and cigarettes. In '96 around 18500 (cigarettes ) and 3700 deaths (Alcohol) WA health information centre report '98 (I posted this info somewhwere else but I was stoned when I wrote it and only included the data for males. :)

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1-THC is relatively safe in overdose, producing drowsiness and confusion, DOES NOT respiratory and cardio effects that are life threatening (in adults).

That's the big thing that used to screw me up, when i was a kid anyway. Used to make me think I was going to DIE, my heart would go crazy, and I have passed out a couple of times before. And paranoia ::): Like you wouldn't believe.

But, I suppose someone with an existing heart condition could quite possibly overdose or have a heart attack or something. Maybe? :)

-1-THC has been shown to produce tratogenic and mutagenic effect in rats
Without proper research and testing, we'll never really know what effects it has on a human foetus. I think it's something that's definitley being overlooked, considering the amount of women that do use Marijuana during pregnancy, in Australia alone. You'll find a lot of women do it socially instead of alcohol, or use it for nausea and morning sickness. Or body aches and pains.

I personally don't think that MJ damages the bub in anyway, and know enough people with pretty healthy happy kids that also smoked pot to convince me anyway.

But, like I said. Without proper research, it'll never really be known. And I can't see the Australian government giving anything like that the go-ahead. Ridiculous, considering that the effects of other illegal substances (heroin, coke,speed) are well known and documented. And education is given about it. But pot, you just get told it's bad, and that's that.

And I don't suppose anyone's considered there may be positive effects on the foetus from maternal use? Especially someone suffering with high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia, which can be life threatening for mum and bub throughout the second trimester.

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The effects on the heart are tachycardia as indicated in one of the earlier sections and this effect is mediated locally at the heart not through the peripheral nervous system and initiated at the CNS through receptor ligand interactions. This is very surprising and is of course analagous to pyschotomimetic effects of LSD like drugs, as far as respiraton goes I think from memory it causes a shallow and slower respiration therefore the heart is pumping and using large amounts of O2 and the lungs can't keep up the supply that the CNS demands and you pass out, I remember when I 1st got really stoned (only 2 joints but they were pretty fat) and I fainted when walking outside and fell flat on my face, Ahh the mistakes we make when we are just kiddies :) :)

Without proper research and testing, we'll never really know what effects it has on a human foetus. I think it's something that's definitley being overlooked, considering the amount of women that do use Marijuana during pregnancy, in Australia alone. You'll find a lot of women do it socially instead of alcohol, or use it for nausea and morning sickness

There has been a lot of epidemiological studies (studies of popualtion and disease prevalence and then correlated to possible causes) done in this area as ppl opposing these laws like conservative govts.would use such results to further demonise and keep it illegal. HOWEVER if it was me that was pregnant or a loved one I personelly wouldn't even let panadol enter her /,my system and this is not just speculation, I have been told numerous times panadol is fine in pregnancy but in the same breath the doctor/ pharmacist would say but I wouldn't use it during pregnancy. And to my knowledge there is not many other drugs that can be safely used during pregnancy. As for mj, definently do not smoke as the carcinogenic effects of this are definently well documented so in summing up it is your choice to use it during pregnanacy, but IMO it is not worth the risk and if you believe it is I suggest you think about what is more impt a healthy happy child or a very fleeting euphoria ? That being said alcohol and cigs are confirmed teratogens and plenty of ppl seem to use these drugs when they are pregnant :) . So in the end it is your choice and ppl obviously make descisions they know may come back and bite them in the arse. Myself included

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I suggest you think about what is more impt a healthy happy child or a very fleeting euphoria ?
I suggest you go back, and re-read my post. Very carefully. I never hinted that pot use for social reasons is acceptable during pregnancy, so please don't ever take my posts out of context again.
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That reminds me of an incident I had when I was around 18ish.

We smoked nightly ( tough times~ shared a 50' with 2-3 others). We would pick up evey1and drive off where the cops wouldnt be at night. This one time there were about 6 of us in a new housing development area and basically we would have a bong or two and then jump on a skatey and do some wild shit. Well that particular day I remember I just basically smoked cones all day and had basically nothing to eat all day.

Once I jumped off the skatey and had another cone I felt faint and just dropped..passed out.

All I remember is waking up, and getting up ruther quickly, like something woke me up. Some wankers laughed, some asked me if I was alrite'. I thought I was.

Well that little episode triggered an Anxiety Disorder which stayed with me for almost half a year.

Probably the worse time in my life. Like my brain would just trigger itself into thinking soo many things at once and my head would feel like its about to explode....scarey shit. Friend said it was just Jitter-bugs and I should get back into smoking pot. :)

I gave up smoking until my brains chemicals balanced themselves out. At this stage I was a mess, and any social events would cause extreme anxiety. Doctor put me on these little orange pills and slowly but surely the constant panic attacks receded.

I slowly started having a "social bong" here and there, but never again got myself into that Chronic lifestyle...Ive just accepted that my body doesn't always agree with it.

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@Chev 81

Yeah I read your post carefully and I am sorry if you thought my post was directed personally at you, because it wasn't, if it was I would have said @ chev81 Again I am sorry if this offeneded you when I refer to YOU in my posts I was refering to any reader (male or female).I will attempt to formualte my scientific prose in a manner that does not refer to we, you, me, I etc in the future.



You'll find a lot of women do it socially instead of alcohol, or use it for nausea and morning sickness. Or body aches and pains.

And this sentence I did find a little confusing, you refer to morning sickness and social smoking in the same sentence so perhaps this could all be thought to be refering to mj use during pregnacy

But I actually got the impression you were against it as you stated in your last post, as for doing it for morning sickness imo the risk doesn't outweight the possible benefits

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Medical Uses

current and possible

source:Med Cannabis link: National Institute of Health


-Antiemeticand appetite stimulant:

useful for cancer /HIV patients undergoing therapy. Exact cellular mechanisms unclear. CB1 effect.


-Analgesic properties:

probably due to inhibition of pain impulse transmission: CB1 lin many areas involved in noicicieption-brain, spinal cord,peripheral sensory endings. Effect shown for both acute and chronic pain (neuropathic pain-allodynia, hyperalgesia), also possible synergism with opiates.


-Movement disorders: including multiple sclerosis

Reduces tremor in mouse model of MS CB1 and some CB2 (non-central) mediated effects.

Possibly relieves dyskinesias that accompany L-DOPA therapy for parkinsons.

Tourettes- possible benefits

Effects maybe due to high density of CB1 in basal ganglia(neuronal nucleii implicated in the control of movement)



Vasdilatory effect due to CB1 povides clear relief (CB1 decreases nor adrenaline released from sympathetic nerve terminals and blood vessels are dilated)

No great improvement on current treatment



Exogenous anadamide causes bradycardia and vasodilation (BP decr.) via CB1 on sympathetic nerve terminals as well as central actions.

Direct actions on peripheral vessels to cause vasodilation (hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle due to activation of K+ channels)

Endocannibinoids may have a role in regulating vessel tone and maybe the endothelium derived hyperpolarizing factor



Cannibadiol may reduce pro-inflamm cytokines and subsequent joint damage in Arthritis. Seems to be mediated by niether CB1/CB2

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awesome posts man, thanks for the info.

I have found that I generally drive a lot slower and more cautiously when stoned.

I ride too, generally I like the feeling of being stoned and ripping along on two wheels. I find I have to concentrate a lot harder, but it helps get me into that zone, and I often end up whipping through corners a lot faster than I usually would. How ever I am less inclined to ride stoned than drive stoned. must be a body preservation thing. concrete hurts kids! ;)

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