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This afternoon at 5.30pm NSW time Triple J's Hack program will be discussing the fact that the majority of drug users are functional members of society. They are asking people to call in to comment on this and also to give their views on current policy and what they think future policy should be, decrim etc.


This is your chance to be heard, this is a national radio station with an open mind so please contribute and show people that cannabis users are educated and harmless to society. In fact if Cannabis were legalised and taxed it would greatly benefit the greater community with the taxes generated far exceeding those generated by the wine industry for example.


Please stand up for and represent the cannabis community :bongon:


Naycha :peace:

Edited by Naycha
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if you go to the jjj website there should be a podcast / mp3 of it floating round.


here - http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/daily/hack_mon_2011_08_01.mp3


or you might have to go to the page if they dont allow it - http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/podcast/default.htm


i only caught the last 15 mins of it and all heard was a ex heroin junkie talk about the 'gateway' effect, i better go and listen to the whole thing :/

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Yeah Triple J do pretty fair reporting so they will always have both sides of the story. The junkie was obviously blaming drugs to avoid responsibility for his fuck ups in life. The other guest had some great points as did some callers, and the interviewer mad it pretty obvious that he thought the junkie didn't know wha he was talking about (in my opinion anyway). So yeah I reckon it's worth a listen.


I would have called in but I had been trimming for ages and was exhausted and pretty stoned so I thought I would not best represent my ideas in that state.


Naycha :peace:

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if you go to the jjj website there should be a podcast / mp3 of it floating round.


here - http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/daily/hack_mon_2011_08_01.mp3


or you might have to go to the page if they dont allow it - http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/podcast/default.htm


i only caught the last 15 mins of it and all heard was a ex heroin junkie talk about the 'gateway' effect, i better go and listen to the whole thing :/


Gateway theory is just another excuse... more and more excuses... you use a drug, you make that choice, no other drug forces you to take another drug!

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