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Marijuana & Raynaud's Phenomenon.....



I've been experiencing Raynaud's Phenomenon (or syndrome) for about 4 1/2 years now, mainly during the colder months (lucky Perth is warm most of the time :o ). This link gives a good bit of info for those who are interested:

Q&A on Raynaud's Phenomenon

I've honestly found that smoking marijuana has prevented my attacks, almost altogether. Unless I do something stupid, like put my hands straight into the freezer :D I actually have to wear gloves to get anything out :;):

I discovered it by accident pretty much. I was using it after I had an accident at work, and had to have a second operation. The first op was a couple of years earlier. After the second one, I knew I was stuffed. I've ended up with carpal tunnel, even after it :P Not impressed, at all.

I've actually compared over the last 3 winters, and even though my hands have worsened, the attacks have almost stopped since I bumped my pot use right up.

I believe it relaxes the arterioles that are affected and helps to keep them dilated. If it can be proven (and I believe it can), it would change the whole outlook for those that suffer with severe or secondary raynaud's (i'm secondary). For some people, it can be absolutley debilitating.

There's no real treatment or cure, you can go on meds, but they only work for some. And usually not often in secondary cases, to the best of my knowledge. So, how would a little person like me go about trying to bring it to the attention of the bigger guys in flappin' white coats? Any ideas? ;)

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