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Marijuana & Raynaud's Phenomenon.....



I've been experiencing Raynaud's Phenomenon (or syndrome) for about 4 1/2 years now, mainly during the colder months (lucky Perth is warm most of the time :o ). This link gives a good bit of info for those who are interested:

Q&A on Raynaud's Phenomenon

I've honestly found that smoking marijuana has prevented my attacks, almost altogether. Unless I do something stupid, like put my hands straight into the freezer :D I actually have to wear gloves to get anything out :;):

I discovered it by accident pretty much. I was using it after I had an accident at work, and had to have a second operation. The first op was a couple of years earlier. After the second one, I knew I was stuffed. I've ended up with carpal tunnel, even after it :P Not impressed, at all.

I've actually compared over the last 3 winters, and even though my hands have worsened, the attacks have almost stopped since I bumped my pot use right up.

I believe it relaxes the arterioles that are affected and helps to keep them dilated. If it can be proven (and I believe it can), it would change the whole outlook for those that suffer with severe or secondary raynaud's (i'm secondary). For some people, it can be absolutley debilitating.

There's no real treatment or cure, you can go on meds, but they only work for some. And usually not often in secondary cases, to the best of my knowledge. So, how would a little person like me go about trying to bring it to the attention of the bigger guys in flappin' white coats? Any ideas? ;)

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Guest Babybear

:o have friends in high Places? if not hmm ..


seriously thou it wouldnt be a nice thing to put up with what you have an feel for you , Need to some how have proper info (not sayin yours insnt) an proven test hmm mabie in a bio tube an so , I dont know much about that By god thou Who can we go to for stuff like this??


edit- btw way im not tryin to make your illness a joke with the big :D,

had to pop that in chevy

Edited by Babybear
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The only 'test' you can have is research. You can never truly know the extent of another persons condition or pain, unless you are them. And research, as in studying ppl with raynauds' and seeing what pot does for them as a treatment.

It's more about finding out what medical conditions can be helped by marijuana use, not just as pain relief. It makes sense.

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Guest Babybear

And it do :o so mabie your just have to keep your research written down an never know mabie just one day you could be the one to help find a help or releaf for other ppl in the same boat as u,,


DRchev hehe :D



Your a insperation

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Guest Wilderbud

This sounds like what happens with my wrist.


I injured my wrist years ago and about a year later it had a pimple on it and it started to hurt from then on [when it is cold mostly - my wrist hurts if I walk past the frozen section of the supermarket every time (high or not)]. The doc said it was a type of arthritis and I should stay warm and stop doing my repetitive job. :\


I get cramps where my injury was and the skin near the wound used to get caloused from leaning on the desk also.


Some guy at work put savlon or something on my wound [i washed the crap out straight away] and I thought I had it under my skin still [you never know]. Dont use that on open wounds [use antiseptic spray AFAIK - the stuff decent work places have].


I havent noticed if it [smoking weed] stops attacks [spasms/cramps/numbness/etc] but it doesnt stop my wrist from hurting when I walk past the ice cream although it eases the pain of course. :D

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Really the main problem is the US government and their propaganda machine (DEA) and their influence (even blackmail) on government decisions here, we need Australian research to be carried out so we can present a real case for legalisation or even decriminalisation, but the research needed is illegal to carry out. Australia once again has the opportunity to be at the fore-front of this new world wide push for medical research on pot and its applications, and as usual we will miss out on the chance to cash in on the benefits of that research.


The only way to change government policy is to use the ballot box, if they start to lose votes due to their harsh treatment of med users then they will "modify" their views and policies. A government doesn't need to be voted out, they just need to be worried that are losing their "popularity".

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Find some other people with Raynauds and get em smoking, see if your right. for a person who hasn't smoked before, a small box of cookies or something should give them an idea of if its gonna work or not and if they like it.


While getting legal research to happen is probably impossible, you can conduct your own research, I had an old neighbour with arthritis who reckons smoking pot was great for his hands, but rolling a joint to smoke that pot was shit. :D

Edited by white_cluster
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for a person who hasn't smoked before, a small box of cookies or something should give them an idea of if its gonna work or not and if they like it
::D: Or a nice slice of cake.......

That's what annoys me Taz, all this crap we get fed is basically American propaganda and it's had a pretty big impact on a lot of things here in oz, Marijuana and the way it's veiwed being a big one.

Why the hell couldn't our government go, 'hey, why don't we legalise it, like Amsterdam?'. Nah, the popularity vote always wins out in the end........

Hey wilderbud, sounds like RSI/Rhuematism ;) .......you said you worked with computers, I believe? It can be a common thing with busy computer users. Pain in the ass, but yeah, weed helps :o Always..........

DRchev hehe
:P More like arrested chev.........
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I posted a link in the GE pot thread to the NIH national institute of health and this is a very respected US establishment in regards to healthcare and they have a link to med pot and recognised uses you could try there for additional info on mj med researh if you havn't already.



I believe it relaxes the arterioles that are affected and helps to keep them dilated


Yep, thats why you get blood shot eyes. But it depends on the location of the CB1 receptors (no receptor no effect in that area unless it is an autonomic nervous system reflex) and CB2 reduces the effect of CB1 when stimulated by 1-THC or 9-THC (depending on nomeclature used for the ring system)


AS for research being influenced by the DEA if your a stoner and a scientist you'll get the grant to do the reseach based on merit and in the US there is more income from private ind. so if a company like pepsi wants to look hip and progressive they might fund research into mj med uses for MS etc ...... And it is not illegal to have pot for research purposes but it would have to all be accounted for and it would not be an easy project to get started, there would have to be some basis for the research. But that is true of any med/drug researc it costs about $300mill

to bring one drug to the market in the US and that is after drug discovery ie toxicity and suitability tests-clinical trials.

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One of our group (SICC of Sydney) has Raynauds and it's a real bitch. My heart goes out to him when he is having an attack. His doctor is actively discouraging cannabis use because of the smoking aspect.


I on the other hand think the dilation of blood vessels form cannabis has gotta help.


chev81 Do you smoke ciggies? Are you prepared to try alternative methods of admin of pot? The carbon monoxide of any smoke is not going to help Raynauds, I fear.


Please kep us up to date with developments as our member may be able to benefit from your experience. Good luck. and keep those hands and feet warm ... hope your feeling better.

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Why not post an article at RXmarihuana.com ? This is quite an interesting medical marijuana site maintained by Dr Lester Grinspoon who has a few books published on medical marijuana. Here's an excerpt from the Q&A page:

Q :


Hi Dr.Grinspoon,


I have a bad case of Raynaud's phenomenon. My doctor said it is one of the worst cases that he has ever seen, but he was not helpful when asked about cannabis.


You see, a couple of years ago, before I knew it was Raynaud's that was affecting me (I have had  this problem for the past 7 years), I was staying with a friend who smoked cannabis. This was during late fall, when it was starting to get cold out (late fall and winter is when the condition flares up). So I joined in and smoked almost daily in the evenings for a three week period. During this time and for about a month afterward, the condition did not flare up. Over time the condition came back and was just as bad as it always was.


My question is, do you think that it was the cannabis that helped, or was it just coincidence? Do you think that cannabis could be used to treat Raynaud's?


Thanks for your help.



A  :


Dear Anonymous,


I do not know the answer to your question but I find your experience most interesting.  As you know, patients who suffer from Raynaud's disease suffer flare-ups from exposure to even minute concentrations of tobacco smoke.  Your experience suggests that cannabis smoke, far from precipitating flare-ups, may actually have a palliative effect on Raynaud’s phenomenon.  This is the first time that I have heard of this possibility.  If it is more than, as you say, a coincidence,  clinical research will eventually bear this out.  In the meantime, we hope to hear from other people who suffer from Raynaud's.


Sincerely yours,

Lester Grinspoon MD

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