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So I've up-sized my grow, now I have two 25 X 12 X 9 ft rooms with four large fans two for intake and Exhaust, Any ideas on inconspicuous venting? I live in the country on a farm and don't have any neighbors but drive-byes are always and issue as my house is close to the road. I would like to run an air shaft to the roof through the second floor but how do I vent it out the attic without a big ass ducted out the roof? also pulling that much air in the basement will probably cause an Negative pressure problem. so an outdoor inlet will probably be necessary. anyways any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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fuckn nice size and area from the sounds of it mate :bow:


all i can think of is, if ya going that big, just cut a 300mm hole in the wall and attach vent grill.....then attach a Y junction on the inside for two exhaust or intake ducts to connect to it ..... can also do the same through the floor into the basement or through a basement wall/vent :scratchin:


if ya have the vents down low, just stack something in front of them so they`re out of sight ...but so it still has plenty of air flow...


if ya have the vents up high, try attaching some eaves or an old air conditioner(which will also disguise the sound), to cover/hide the grill :ph34r:



hope that helps :)




have fun with it mate :yahoo: ....and dont show anyone :uhhuh:






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G'day HMOP, I was reading a story about a guy in Kamloops, Alberta ( I think that is how it's spelt) who is a medical card holder and allowed to grow, he got busted when the cops pulled up out front and hit the house with a heat seeking device and determined there was to much heat for his alotted grow, so he must be growing extra. Hence he was busted and could face 8 years. So how do you handle this issue, I would be to worried about being caught.


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heat coming out the roof might be an issue, however the grow is in the basment and i insulated the walls 14" thick so that should help. P.S. As it stands in canada no medical user has been convicted of growing too much however a lot have charged. But since i am not a medical user myself i would be screwed. I also concure if caught = jail I was thinking about whirly vents as well. At least my hydro is covered becuase i have central metering and own a machine shop :)
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