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Who else deals with constant pain?



So I have daily pain and have since I was 16, shoulder dislocation , then multiple redislocations now it's happens so much I forgotten how many times. I've had 3 surgerys now I am suppose to be going in for another in a few months , but not sure of I can afford to take time off. :(


Worst thing about it is I moved city's / state no next to no one where I now live, so no hook up. :( now good ol mj is my only saviour she puts me to bed at night an let's me do work doing the day :), I had been on heavy painkillers and pretty much a bag full of prescription drugs they fucked with me so much I threw them away and started smoking :)


Now any other daily pain dealers on this forum? What do you do when is dry?


Oh yeah I'm now 20 turning 21 in 2 months >< such a fucking downer having this so young I feel like I'm 80+ once I get into bed :(

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I have always found indicas to be the best for pain relief but only you will be able to decide what works best for you after you sample different strains you have grown and tried. For strong pain relief I would recommend ingesting the cannabis, either in a cooked form like butter or in measured doses of oil in capsules. It is very easy to over-indulge and have too much so experiment carefully until you have worked out how much you need for your pain.


The strongest indica I have tried is White Russian from Serious Seeds, but I have also got a lot of relief from the other strains I have tried. Personally I have found the strains I have tried from Canadian seedbanks to be rather low quality - but that is just my humble opinion, and I am sure that there are plenty of growers out there that have high praises for them.


Do you think it would be possible to open up a conversation about growing for personal use with your boss? Maybe flirt around the subject and sorta gauge his reaction? Then you might have an idea whether you should risk him discovering your small grow. Don't tell him that you are growing even if he is cool because that's just leaving you wide open to being dobbed in if you ever fall out with him.


I too am currently in a situation where my landlord drops in randomly and just invites himself in so growing is totally out of the question and it is really hard because I love my growing my herb.


I hope you find the relief you need, and feel free to ask any questions on this forum - there will always be someone with advice here.


Jimbo :bongon:

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Well today i had a nice chat with my boss about all drugs lol he said he is taking a 6 month break of everything, he is a very very left wing so im sure he wouldn't care its more the fact we live in a massive apartment block which is really the trouble and the apartment manager is in the flat next door :wallbash: but hopefully soon if I'm earning enough money i can put down a deposit on house rather then find a place to rent -.-



also i think if i surprised my boss with some nice loved bush he would love it even more since he always complains to me he cant get good weed in Melbourne its all danky danky dank.


see I'm pretty used to well grown bush since I come from country VIC and yeah the growers around my town were very good at what they did health big buds and lovely tasting herb.

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As you are new to the grow scene some advice

Don't worry too much about strains at the moment, get some bagseed and make a start

Don't worry too much about a huge grow space. Big does not always mean better.Some fellas here are doing OK with a desktop PC case and CFL's. Start small and increase from there. I know a fella who spent up big and built a huge 4m x 4m room, but his green thumb was very black. He kept killing things and he gave up, wasting all that money ( Well it wasn't a waste as I got some of the equipment given to me for free)

As you don't have your own place you can't be making modifications. Maybe a wardrobe is the idea

Have a look around Cannaversity and don't write anything off, little ideas can lead to big things


Just some ideas



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I was just thinking about picking up a old case from a pc shop, start with a few seeds and try and keep the plant small , there was no way I was going to go all out on my first grow :) only thing Im iffy about is female / male how do you get it to become female if it's male ?
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G'day Acid.


You shouldn't have too much trouble getting hooked up in Cairns. I lived up that way for a while, and never had a problem finding a grower, as opposed to a dealer. When you get some seeds, find a quiet outdoor spot and let rip. Use you skills with design to get a foot in the door, offer some people a hand with their computer needs after work hours, something will fall into your lap, sure thing. Lots of smokers up that way. See if you can find something from around Tully/Mission Beach, pure dynamite. Put it straight to your boss, if he's a smoker he can't be all that bad, ask him if he's got any spare seed. But be a bit discreet. Explain why you want to grow some smoke. You can't change the sex once they have determined what they will be. Do you have an enclosed garage? If so whack in a wardrobe, then no drama, one or two plants at the time, easy. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Edited by Auntynorm
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Thanks Auntynorm , i think ill just have to get outside and go out -.- never been a fan of nightlife.


I've got a mate up here who is a toker but he hasn't been able to get me anything for the last 3 weeks -.- either a) he forgets B ) cbfed ...


I've never really had to go around asking people haha , in my old town it was handed to me by my old work buddies they already did the hard work or grew them selves.


Think i might go for a Sunday skate , even though i suck dick atm because i haven't done much in the last 3 months because of my shoulder =( hopefully there is some tokers around i can spot =)

Edited by Acidbear
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The pub, hmmm never really just gone to a pub for a chat its so out of my zone lol I shall give it a go though i guess once my gf gets her id in the mail -.- i wanted to venture out last night but totally forgot that she hasn't got a id lol!


always seems the pub is always talking about footy, I hate footy cant stand it call me Unaustralian but i just cant get why people like it. I rather go for a skate =)

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