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Who else deals with constant pain?



So I have daily pain and have since I was 16, shoulder dislocation , then multiple redislocations now it's happens so much I forgotten how many times. I've had 3 surgerys now I am suppose to be going in for another in a few months , but not sure of I can afford to take time off. :(


Worst thing about it is I moved city's / state no next to no one where I now live, so no hook up. :( now good ol mj is my only saviour she puts me to bed at night an let's me do work doing the day :), I had been on heavy painkillers and pretty much a bag full of prescription drugs they fucked with me so much I threw them away and started smoking :)


Now any other daily pain dealers on this forum? What do you do when is dry?


Oh yeah I'm now 20 turning 21 in 2 months >< such a fucking downer having this so young I feel like I'm 80+ once I get into bed :(

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Opiates seem to work a charm, even the weak arse ones like Mesindol (sp). For the over the counter ones you just strip the codeine from them sip on a bit of passionflower tea and pop a shot of codeine. But for obvious reason this is not an everyday practice as opiates are VERY addictive and you might end up on the streets of St Kilda
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Welcome to oz stoners Acidbear! :thumbsup:

You will find that many members use cannabis for meds!!

I have a bone disease..and cannabis means i dont need my meds(oxycotin/tramal/anti inflams etc.....It truly is a wonder drug!! :yahoo:

Grow ya own..thats how most of us get around it..then it is never "dry"


:bongon: wiet

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hay acid , im in a lil pain all the time , pot works alrite when im around the house , b ut if i gotta go out im stuffed after about 15 minutes when walking ,. only strong pain releaf helps then ,


sorta lol , i am heaps hyper so i can get sera paks if i want when i run out , but i always keep a bag a leaf , does crap for pain , an dont get stoned , but it sorta works like a vallium relaxes you a lil , so it sorta helps stop pain couse it helps stop you tensing up the mescells , an no side affects , unles you smoke to much ,. then your dealing with a headace lol .


it helps me , an stops me hanging for buds bongon.gif, untill i get sick a smokeing the crap bleh.gif

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G'day Acid.


The brother Delta has it spot on. I was fine until 2004 when I broke my back. Now I am in pain everyday, but a smoke of good homegrown does wonders, I can function a lot better. If you have a job, good on you for battling the pain, then you should think about getting a small grow going, it's not expensive or difficult. Everything you need is on Ebay. I'm doing an indoor in soil, my first, and it's going very well, check the section on grow diaries, you will get some serious surprises. There are people here, who really have it tapped and are extremely free with their knowledge. Then there is Cannaversity, everything you could ever want to know about growing is there. When you have your first smoke of your own home grown, you will have said goodbye to scum dealers, for ever, gauranteed. I said earlier here, that I am on my first indoor, yes that's right, but I've grown outdoors for over 30 years. So I just used most the techniques I used out doors, and it works. I had a few problems early on, but with heaps of help from other good people here, I have beaten all of the problems, and it's powering now. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Hey Acid,


I had a spinal fusion around 20 years ago after a car accident and weed definately helps with that although in winter it doesn't help as much so I need Mersyndol which prevents me waking during the night.

I know where you're coming from as I was only 21 when the accident occurred and doctors didn't find the cause until 9 years later! It was a degenerated L5 S1 disc and was found by an MRI. After my op the pain had gone from my spine but now I had and continue to have pain from the donor site (of which they took bone from my hip to help fuse the vertebrae). I discreetly informed my spinal surgeon I smoked and although he didn't condone it he said that a lot of patients do get relief from it. It would be great if it were legalised but I'm not holding my breath and would be quite happy if it were just decriminalised. Being able to grow just a few plants for personal use without any ramifications would be a great start!


Stupid fucking rules and regulations!!!! They are only in place for dumb-arse people :doh: without any common sense.


Stay cool and pain-free, dude :smoke:



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Wow thanks so much for the replys and helpful tips :)


Now I've always wanted to grow my own Becuase I can def tell the difference in weed unlike my old housemates , they just smoked anything , never would let me grow my own either. But since then moved out. My new job has me in cairns doing web design it's amazing place , but currently my boss pays for my apartment and I dont really want to be growing while he can pop in at anytime :( even though he smokes himself I'd still like to keep it private. I really can't wait to get my own place with my gf and I plan on growing from the day i move in and my gf knows that and supports it. xD


Thanks for support guys , but yeah if I had no job I really couldn't live. I can't stand centerlink And I would go crazy doing nothing all day lol.

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Hi there Acidbear

I too suffer from pain after a couple of surgerys and use mj as part of my pain management. I could quite easily stay on a pension for the rest of my life, which Dr's have recommended, but like you I'd go stir crazy sitting on my arse all day. Recovery time from surgery showed me that. I need to be doing something

I work with people many of whom are worse off than me. Now if they can get it together everyday, my view is 'what the hell have I got to bitch about'. I'm in pain but I can still function and I do. I know my limitations and try to work to that point often over extending (and paying for it)but for me if I sit down and think of the pain it drives me nuts.

As for dry, its never dry in my neck of the woods. Grow your own and keep it. I've been on the grow for a few years now and have a good selection of different smokes and hash for differing pain. I still need the pharma but at much less levels.



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oh brothers you make me feel so welcome =) thanks have a :bongon: or doob for me =)


i think i might have to look into growing my own sooner then i thought but like i said i dunno if would be able to yet.


does one have to order seeds from over seas or is there any local "hidden" people in aus that do it? -

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Unfortunately if you want good genetics and a shopping mall of strains to choose from, over seas is your answer. There was a seed bank in Oz a few years back called Potopia but due to circumstances unrelated, it had to close down.


Do your homework on the overseas people as some are dodgy as all hell and you will be out of pocket, I personally have used 3 banks...Planet Skunk, Demon Seeds, and Attitude Seed Bank. And my only complaint, and its not a major one, is with Planet Skunk. Their discreet is a bit average as well as when I ordered Green House Seed Co. seeds through them, it was like they just sent to order direct to GHS co. and it was posted from their, and I specifically make the effort to not get mail sent from Amsterdam as the return address and/or the stamps from the Netherlands is a flag to Australian Customs to open it and have a look. I typically shop with the UK or Irish Banks, that way it is sort of like you are getting a reply letter from your "Drunk Uncle Harold" who lives up the way in Nottingham Shire ;) The bonus to Planet Skunk is that they have an Australian Bank Account (ANZ if memory serves me right) that you can walk into a branch and pay cash at the counter into their account, which I find handy.

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