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Ed Rosenthal on Dateline

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Ed Rosenthal will be on Dateline this Wednesday at 8:30pm & repeated on Thursday at 12:30pm talking more about Medical Cannabis for around 15 minutes.


I don't know much about this just letting everyone know its on...


The Dateline Website will have transcripts of the story after it's shown.

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Well that was interesting.


Interesting as an insight to the American mind that is. How on earth can you find a man guilty, when your heart doesn't believe it to be true? Regardless of how the judge summed it up?


I believe Americans can believe two opposing thoughts at the same time. Like they can admit their country has all this shit wrong with it, racism, crime, medical inadequacies, corruption, on and on and on; but still believe that they are the centre of civilisation. that their country is the fairest and best there is.


I also believe now, after watching that, why American politicans get away with such ridiculous laws as they do.


I imagine that most people, when confronted with the sitaution those jurors were in, would vote the way their hearts dictated. They would see the ruse, of the way the judge summed up, and not be moved by it. But it seems as though Americans can see that the guy is being wrongly treated by the law, but because of the system being what it is, he must be found "guilty". That the protocol is more important, that it be met, than a man's guilt or innocence, and subsequent consequences; can seem to only happen in a country where people value "the way a thing is done" more than what it is achiveing.


I'm sure it could be put better than that, but I'm sure you get my drift.


Fancy sending a man to jail, and then immediately appologise for voting him to that end, when you never believed he should have gone in the first place? But simply so that the "system" is fed, appeased, or whatever. So that "Justice" can be seen to have been conducted, an innocent man has to hang. That the outcomes of countless people are doomed, is so easily dismissed is scarey.


Any fool can manipulate a population like that. Now I understand why it's so damned imporatant why they drum into their kids when they're so young, in the first years of primary school; the "reverence" of their country's systems of government. They're raised with this blind obedience that their country's doctrines, and systems of government are the reason for their country's "Greatness". No matter if the country is great or not. Just power will do, the rest is in "the hand is quicker than the eye".


That our laws are so closely tied to this crap is scarier.


Watch it out there people, it gets wierder every day.


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