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Is there anything we can do?

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is there anything the general public (ie. us) can do about these new laws coming in on 1st Aug for W.A?


who makes and decides then passes these laws?


i did not hear anything about them till they were on the perthnow story and newspaper, and then bang all of a sudden these crazy laws are hitting the streets?


is there anyone we can speak to to oppose these laws? local MP etc and higher?


this is a real backwards step for the cause.

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certainly write to your local member of parliment (if the member is a Liberal Party member) and ask them to explain the rational for these new laws and tell them you will be seriously campaigning against your local member @ the next election if these laws go thru

make a good letter and dont be abusive just challenge the Liberal Party's view that Prohibition will actually work, or is it more a revenue raising measure, etc.

ask them questions cause that way they have to actually address your concerns and write a letter back to you

not an email but a hand written letter


good onya for standing up and saying these laws are unjust and will only make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citizens



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shit... thanks Stix i better go to the porn shop and buy 20 cone pieces so I never run out.... Man Im such a criminal :wallbash: :wallbash:

Seriously It wont stop me ill still be growing enough so that I dont have to buy it... just means might have to go on the down low even lower now.... FUCK EM :harhar: :harhar:

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I am speechless at how arrogant politicians can make such stupid decisions involving peoples quality of life. Medical cannabis is a vital medicine to many who have tried it as a last resort and found it to be right for them so how can that be wrong. Attacking cannabis is just a diversion from the real issue of the drug problems our youth face today. Powders and pills made up of God only knows are what they have on offer but these are easy to hide and as they are so toxic the body expels them as fast as it can thus leaving one with a clean test within a day. Politicians are wasting public money by continuing on the same path that has failed our country and especially our youth for over 60 years, it does make one wonder what is the motive behind their reasoning as one would hope they are above corruption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannabis is not a hard drug as extensive health test of the medical cannabis compassion users in the US have found after 35 years of daily use that all their internal major organs are perfectly normal. So how many more people will have to suffer this intolerable law before some compassion is shown towards our sick and suffering.
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Hi all, my name is Martin, I Just joined this great forum and would like to quickly introduce myself, and like you all I am furious with the WA government for these new laws rushed through our system without proper justification.

I am 48 and have smoked for 30 years, taking it and leaving it as I fell like or as situations dictate. I love pot and no f^&ing Dickwad will stop me from smoking (vaporising) it.

The medical uses for pot are vast and yet to be fully realised because of this juvenile delinquent called our premier. I can post so many links to overseas and Australian research that proves the use for cancer patients undergoing chemo, cancer cell destruction in lung and brain, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, etc etc. the list is endless. My father died a few yrs ago from cancer and was not even given the choice to use pot even when sent home to die, he couldn’t tolerate any of the chemo's available due to nausea and low blood pressure something pot would of helped him with. I then lost my Father in law to liver cancer and now my aunty has throat cancer.

Some of the claims about cannabinols and their anti-cancer properties are now well documented and researched showing fantastic results. The government has known about cancer "cures in cannabinols" since 1975. If anyone would like links just ask.

I would love to see the law reformed immediately to allow patients access to pot, unfortunately it will take a bit of work, we all certainly need to protest and as stated above, say nothing to the cops except "Lawyer" and plead not guilty.

I also have great links on the trick the cops use so people self incriminate, 85% of all guilty verdicts comes from self incrimination. From the time they bash your door down say absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing I repeat except I want my Lawyer.

The mining companies have a lot to do with it by funding the corrupt political parties that’s why the JWH and other cannabinoid agonist were banned so quickly. there is a lot of misinformation out there probably circulated by our corrupt government about agonist which were developed by DuPont as they could not patient the cannabis plant itself so they extracted the compounds and produced them artificially, these are the "new anti-cancer drugs of the future and worth million to them. The people need to know they can self medicate with pot.

I am all for a rally and protest, but these need to be organised correctly to have any effect. It is time we stood up for ourselves, you will be surprised by just how many people are for reform.

Well that’s my 1 cent worth there is lots more to come.

Thanks all


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