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pipeman tries to rescue his sorry grow


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I been putting off doing something about getting back on track with growing for ages. So I thought if I start a thread about it that might give me the motivation I need to get my shit together.


This is a pic of my cloning tub. Most clones died, about 4-5 lived. They've been in there for I don't know how many weeks now. Some time ago after they rooted I changed the nute mix to 1/4 strength veg. The regular light bulb I had in there was just to keep temps up at night. I left this box alone and didn't go near it for over 3 weeks. Came back to it and whadaya know, the bastards are still alive, and one of them in particular went huge. I've bent it over a couple times in last few days, kinked the stem. This is bad I think, but its still doing OK.


more pics of the rest of my sorry grow to come in due course. the state my mothers are in will no doubt shock and horrify many of you :D


The big bastard is Malawi Gold, hope its a fem. I let the originals die without sexing them. One of the smaller ones is AK47xC99 which I'm pretty happy about, because the mother is on her death bed.


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the mums are heavily infested with spidermites and scarid fly. I left them unattended and unwatered for about 2 weeks. I took my camera down without a memory card in it, so got no pics of the mums tonight. Anyway I reckon they might survive. The two that were rooted I brought up and took a pic of. The one on the left was verry berry, the one on the right was the autoflowering AK47xC99. May they rest in peace.


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yeah but I got some mums that I'd like to save if I can. I'll basically be throwing away 4 strains I paid money for, so I'm gonna give it a shot.


I'm thinking of ripping the mums out of soil washing off roots and getting them going in little bubblers.


The strains I got (hopefully) are Misty, Shiskeberry, White Rhino, AK47xC99 in female clones and some unsexed Malawi Gold clones.

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Yeah, if you're going to keep em, and they're infested with scarid or mites, I'd be damn sure they were clean... use a h202 rinse after you do it to help sterilise any pathogens left over.. and be very thorough removing the soil from the roots too, a small amount with an egg in it is all it takes....


Let's get rid of Pipemans hangers on in the growroom eh? No use in getting bugs wasted when it's so much nicer for you... :) :D

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