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Barnett goes nuts, decides to start new "War on Drugs"

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Hey Mastoner.

Great work and valuable links.


The trouble is that it has all been done before.

Facts, figures and logic have done nothing except to be used for tightening cannabis laws.

We nearly had decriminalisation in the early 1970's when Mr Carter was President.

Since then things have gone backwards.

Since then the new research on smoking dangers and the new laws that emerged from these facts have done far more to the banning of cannabis than your "facts" on it's safety.

Research such as "water pipe removes a lot of the cancernogens " etc doesn't help.

They would just answer that not smoking will remove more.


Smoke inhalation is dangerous and it is this fact that mostly drives Govts to keep adding to repressive laws. Well at least provide a good excuse to do so.


I guess we must wakeup to the fact that we are fast becoming a sect.

A sect like "The Chidren Of God, or Christian Science or the J.W's Etc etc.


A brand new approach must be found. These weed websites cannot do much and never have done much on this subject except preach to the converted...

This has been done for decades and decades with absolutely no result at all.


Maybe a new website with a new approach?? New ideas ? New people ?


Or maybe a collective farm somewhere. Just for us.. YAY.

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It`s a shame this thread started out as a vent for some among us to debate and collectively gather some personal moral ground among ourselves, regardless of its exposure or usefulness within or without an outcome...yet is fast becoming a platform for the ignorant and negatively minded minority to shine...


Yes, the laws and revised legislation are barbaric towards everyday folk in everyday positions... now how do we go about changing things? not simple ay?


Perhaps we take it on the chin and passively resist, by either continuing to grow and/or consume at our leisure/need...behind closed doors, sure... but in the safety of our own confines... we can try to spell that issue out when we are against the wall so to say. I know I will.


There is also a call towards the use of cannabis in medicinal situations/purposes... but that is a debate for another person, another day...


Lets not forget those among us who have dealt with/are dealing with being/been busted and the ramifications of such... one such citizen being a member of this site who has displayed every needed detail of his trial and subsequent conviction, another putting forward many papers regarding the law in relation to his charges and where the individual stands in face of such...Another again whom stood staunch in the face of the law and found a fairly reasonable result without his, nor any other`s propagandist intervention, but by making a passive but secure stance relating to their ideals, morals and beliefs


Bufo marinus. Chronmasta and Reverend deserve their credit...


Or... we bury our heads, get more paranoid and force ourselves to needlessly flee from society...


I reckon I know which would work over time... for my purpose...


Stay in your cave vertexx, it`s a lot safer :whistle:



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If I wanted to stay in a "cave" I wouldn't be posting here.


Folk like you, jaikai have been going your way for years and years and getting nowhere.Spouting the same old stuff.

You get out of your cave and try something new. That's the point I make.

Stop burying your head in your old and useless stratagem. That's proven negativity.

How easy it is to continue with the same old arguments. They really work well :doh:

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Perhaps when you make some sense, come back and speak to us ay...


I`m quite proactive in the cannabis community, I don`t hide the fact that I grow/consume cannabis, nor do I disregard the benefits, concessions of cannabis. I also do not disregard the penalties I may face for my actions...


But I will justify my actions as need be, even in the face of an authority not ready to hear such, nor prepared to relieve me of the cost of the undertaking of such activities as deemed criminal by the courts...


Your negative approach undermines the work done by a great majority on this site, not to mention many others inclusive of those involved in real life situations. Perhaps you should get back into whichever cave you came to egress, albeit temporarily- to stir the pot, as seems by the bulk of your posts, for the greater good of this site and the community in general...


Your pedantic, inhibited, fundamentalist approach to the furtherment of a cannabis accepting society is duly noted. Unless you show a different approach, I for one will choose to ignore your further comments...


Now lets get back onto the topic at hand, shall we?



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What happened to Australia? We are meant to be the "land of the free" -- But even in America they're started to slowly legalize marijuana (well to those who really do need it)! In 1970 the Netherlands started introducing "coffeeshops" because they knew this endless battle against marijuana will never stop, so they did the right thing and made it 100% safe for their citizens to use the wonderful plant. IT WORKS! 40 years later and the average percentage of hard drug users in Holland are one of the lowest in the world! In Amsterdam, there is more violent brawls and attacks in pubs (they call them cafe's) than there are in coffeeshops! I just don't get how, Australia for all places, to be still in this rutt.


I guess it's because the government have shoved down our throats that marijuana is bad for decades, and they just can't bring themselves to admit they're wrong. The people of Australia would respect their government a lot more if they just had the guts to realise what they have been doing obviously isn't working. Show us all credible evidence that marijuana causes psychosis, marijuana is addictive, marijuana destroys lives, show us proof instead of just feeding us these headlines.

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Hey Mastoner.

Great work and valuable links.


The trouble is that it has all been done before.

Facts, figures and logic have done nothing except to be used for tightening cannabis laws.

We nearly had decriminalisation in the early 1970's when Mr Carter was President.

Since then things have gone backwards.

Since then the new research on smoking dangers and the new laws that emerged from these facts have done far more to the banning of cannabis than your "facts" on it's safety.

Research such as "water pipe removes a lot of the cancernogens " etc doesn't help.

They would just answer that not smoking will remove more.


Smoke inhalation is dangerous and it is this fact that mostly drives Govts to keep adding to repressive laws. Well at least provide a good excuse to do so.


I guess we must wakeup to the fact that we are fast becoming a sect.

A sect like "The Chidren Of God, or Christian Science or the J.W's Etc etc.


A brand new approach must be found. These weed websites cannot do much and never have done much on this subject except preach to the converted...

This has been done for decades and decades with absolutely no result at all.


Maybe a new website with a new approach?? New ideas ? New people ?


Or maybe a collective farm somewhere. Just for us.. YAY.



Ha ha, a sect, what back to the convent days lol been there done that.

but seriosly :blink:

smoking anything is cancernogenic but cannabis neutralise the cancers and has a antiprofilliation effect, idealy we should all be using a vaporiser or ingesting it. I personaly use a vaporiser but i did smoked through a bong for ages, the government in WA have already banned bongs and pipes so my links and comments aint going to change nothing. It just provide a link to research on harm minimisation if your going to smoke. it is interesting to note. i see a link comming up.... that smoking cannabis alone actualy reduces incidents of cancer, http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Hypothesizing+that+marijuana+smokers+are+at+a+significantly+lower...-a0196052086


Im all for education and feel posts like these do have a place,

together people to research a subject using first hand experience,

comments given are freely and read by all walks of life, some converted some not thats the point.

mabey the anti-cancer aproach will be the key to opening the doors but if people dont shout loud enough it wont be heard, I cannot see the Pharmasuiticle companies letting the government or the people know the truth.

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If I wanted to stay in a "cave" I wouldn't be posting here.


Folk like you, jaikai have been going your way for years and years and getting nowhere.Spouting the same old stuff.

You get out of your cave and try something new. That's the point I make.

Stop burying your head in your old and useless stratagem. That's proven negativity.

How easy it is to continue with the same old arguments. They really work well :doh:


2 things in recent posts which I believe you to be incorrect about. 1 is that cannabis smoke being dangerous is the strongest point that the government has. No, they hardly mention that these days because that doesn't particularly scare anyone anymore (think the popularity of tobacco and cannabis combined... people aren't scared of smoking). It's the mental illness side, that's what they hammer home and they have been very successful. I also disagree that the arguments put forward by the likes of Jakai are not redundant. Older folk growing up trying to change cannabis laws never had the internet. The internet is driving the cannabis movement, and it is false to say that the movement in Aus is going no where. More and more young people have access to the real information about cannabis and 'same old arguments' are working! The government has been using extreme examples of propaganda for decades, this is going to be undone quickly. Be patient, the 'old methods' of TELLING THE TRUTH can never be replaced.

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real interesting input here folks :applause:


what just hit me as kinda ironical is that it was the USA who really denigrated the use of Cannabis way back in the 1920-30s and followed that up a few decades later by pressuring and convincing most other Western countries to sign up to 'The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs', then gave such fools as the World Health Organisation free reign to include/exclude and re-classify so-called drugs as they saw fit.

Furthermore, the US empowered their newly sponsored United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to enforce the day-to-day work of monitoring the situation in each country and working with national authorities to ensure compliance with The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.


Yet today we see that some 16 +/- states in USA now allow medical use of Cannabis under loose and differing determinations ..

as far as i can see this an example of the most powerful Empire on the planet making and changing the rules of the game to suit their own interest with total disregard for the best interests of the people of this planet ..


really raises my bloodpressure i can tell ya ..




oppps, soz folks this post is really off topic ... but i had to mention it :x

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( Bullsh....t Barnett),, Just another yellow-bellied-spider wavering a web to reap profits for their OWN benifit. Authorities state that

Cannabis is the door way to harder drugs, crime and psychosis. I bet that in 99.9% of people, the first taste of any drug is the legal

one called... Alcohol. What do Authorities do to stem this?.....give permission to open bigger bottleshops where you can purchase a drink

at almost anytime of the day or night....give permission for night clubs and pokie venues to open basically for 24 hrs. This is big money

as well, in fees, licences and taxes...all going to the so called authorities. There is also the danger of violence associated with this.

Alcohol is far more dangerous than Cannabis will ever be. (besides.. Cannabis smells a lot better than alcohol).

Alcohol poisoning V's Cannabis poisoning????? I'II be fair though, l like a drink...but l LOVE a smoke!

Let's send a person, (who has a job, pays taxes, gives to charities, is mindfull of others and washes their car. Yes AUTHORITIES, most people are

like that who smoke Cannabis), to jail for 2years...1year...6months....1month....because the only crime they commited was to be in possession of

Cannabis for personal use. Let's see if that person comes out the same decent person that they went in as. Maybe some deserve to

be locked up, (greedy drug dealers), but there are only dealers because there are laws in place for people to be as such.

If Politicians had any sense they would see the bennifit in revenue that could be made from legalising Cannabis for PERSONAL USE. (Fees, licences and taxes.)

l for one would pay a few hundred dollars a year to grow a couple of plants legally that would supply me for that year.

Let's get serious Mr. Barnett and look on the other side of issues, there is still plenty of money to be made and satisfy every one.........

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