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Barnett goes nuts, decides to start new "War on Drugs"

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Why would we be pushing for a ban on alcohol and tobacco? We aren't trying to have cannabis legalised just because it's safe, but because prohibition makes everything worse. Let's not have any of these products prohibited, but instead have a wise society that knows how to deal with these substances. I very much like the fact that the letter contains links to studies, well done :bongon: Also, didn't Einstein once say that repeating the same process over and over again with hopes of a different result could be considered madness? Edited by CactusGumnut
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Thanks for the comments, it seems like the email went unnoticed by Colin Barnett but I did get a reply from his sectary, I need to send to

Rob Johnson MLA, Minister for Police.




He is apparently the one who emails of this nature are re-directed to. I wonder if it is to initiate raids on me:blink:

No problem as I have a clean house and record.

after re reading my email I agree with the comments about pushing the point more, I guess, like my wife keeps telling me, I should take more time and not write and send them when I am so pissed off, fair enough.

I agree about the damage that alcohol and cigarette do in our society but as stated above getting them banned would be impossible with all the "sponsorship" they pump into the pollies pockets by corporative boxes and trips overseas etc, anyway I’m more interested in getting cannabis at least decriminalised and definitely available for medical use without restriction.

I thought I would write it out in handwriting and download and attach all the reports I have and send to Mr Fuckwhit Johnston, and I have a lot more than posted. One of the docs I have located on the NSW Health site...




continue to refer to "the latest studies show..." then points to the links, well I followed all the links there reports are dated 1999 and 2003 the latest is 2005 and that’s their up-to-date info they spawn out to the general public and base their laws on.

I mean come on, talk about treating us like uneducated kids. :wallbash:

Oh the news isn’t good for the medical use either at the moment based on "recent research" :thumbdown: I have been the quiet toker for 30 years ticking along with no issues or arrests not bothering anyone but the death of family has spurred me to join the growing pissed off voters and rebel. I have contacted most of the radio stations in Perth and have had some interesting replies, there is a possibility I can go on and discuss this but I am no match for someone like him, unedumecated lout I think is the term he refers to, but I am canvassing some well armed and experienced campaigners to help.

I will keep you all updated.


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sent letter to Dickwad today,

a copy below.

doing the best i can with what i have..



Hi Mr Barnett, I would like you to explain the rational for these new cannabis laws pushed through on 1/8/2011.

To would like to start with your responses to questions published on the Perth now website 26/07/2011, when asked... there is overwhelming evidence that alcohol is increasingly more harmful personally and socially. Why does it remain legal over marijuana, a drug no one has ever king hit anyone in Northbridge and while exclusively under the influence of cannabis? Your reply was and I quote "I acknowledge the harmful effects of excessive drinking, but that doesn’t constitute an augment for going soft on drugs" end quote.

Where is your evidence to back that statement? Surely the harmful effects of drinking are well documented and well known and you have even acknowledged that fact but where is the evidence that marijuana is harmful?

There is a growing trend in Perth with the construction and distribution of Meths, labs popping up everywhere and even family members of prominent police officers are profiting off it and are getting into manufacturing of it (surprisingly we Perth people didn’t hear much on the sentencing of that chap did we) surely your efforts should be directed towards this.

all the new research is proving the opposite, it is even proven by laboratory tests completed in 1975 that it is an anti-cancer agent see Antineoplastic activity of Cannabinoids A.E. Munson, L.S. Harris, M.A. Friedman, W.L. Dewey, and R.A. Carchman Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 55, No. 3, September 1975 Supported by Public Health Service grant DA00490 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Health Services & Mental Health Administration; by a grant from the Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust Fund; and by an institutional grant from the American Cancer Society. Department of Pharmacology and the MCV/VCU Cancer Centre, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University. Richmond, Va. 23298

Link http://www.ukcia.org...noids/index.php

Also, the fact that marijuana does not cause lung cancer but actually fights it,

See http://letstalkabout...er/#comment-324

Also the benefit of marijuana for other diseases of modern man

See http://cancerres.aac...t/68/2/339.full

There is overwhelming proof that marijuana, or the Cannabinoids found in it are found naturally inside every vertebrae organism and is used by our bodies as a natural anti-tumour anti-disease agent, DuPont even went to the trouble of isolating the active compounds found in marijuana and re-creating them in laboratories, primarily to offer a safe alternative to smoking pot, now being tested as the new wonder drug for fighting cancer. These are the Am-2202 etc and the Jwh-018 etc compounds, again something you have banned as unsafe? Where did you get that from?

I think a company like DuPont is in a better position to judge the safety of their chemicals compared to you and your mining political sponsoring mates what the ban is really about isn’t it?

It is widely reported that your justification is because “we don’t really know what the long term effect of cannabis or JWH... use will be, only over 10000 years of using cannabis with no deaths or long term impairment. Yes the old schizophrenia excuse come out from time to time although there has been a 30 fold increase in marijuana smoking in the last 50 odd years but no increase in the cases of schizophrenia originally at approximately 1.1% of the population and currently at 1.1% of the population.

What about the long term effects of chemotherapy? So you’re saying you do know the long term effects by condoning its medical use... please enlighten us all. Yet you pump that into our kids and family and pump morphine into them and anything else on the medical list. How is it that morphine the most addictive and damaging drug known, is allowed for medical use where Cannabinoids are not?

Why won’t you allow at the very least people sent home to die by their oncologist from incurable cancer access to cannabis. Have you had someone close to you die from cancer? I have and they should not of died but for access to Cannabinoids as it at the least would of made the chemotherapy tolerable by reducing the nausea therefore getting the treatment and therefore possibly surviving.

I along with a growing group of sane hardworking taxpayers and voters will be seriously campaigning against your local member and yourselves @ the next election. I will be signing petitions to get marijuana on the medical lists and you removed from office. I am making everyone I know aware of the benefits of cannabis and the injustice done to the West Australian people.

Your time is limited


Martin Stone


hey martin , nice one brother.. i agree, people should not be told not to use a life saving drug, just because the drug companies cant patent it..


i dont agree with smokin weed, or smokin anything for that matter, but vaporizing a medical grade cannabis, cannot be harmful, to any one.


i have emailed channel 7 with my views on the subject, im waiting for a response.


i know if i get cancer, i will be medicating myself, and no one will stop me.


we need more people like your self, educating the brain washed public, about what this government is doing, slowly killing us all off, with ignorance and lies.


ive been using cannabis for about 25 yrs, and have no mental illness, i have my own business, and multi traded, highly educated, and of the best part law abiding, im not about to be told i cant cure my own cancer.


i believe we should have laws regarding cannabis, like you must be over 21, you must injest it safely, like vaporizing, or in edibles, or as medicine. growing your own must be limited, and registered with a cannabis


control board, im not suggesting a free for all, have it for sale in speciality shops, register your self as a commerial grower and pay taxes, and have your product classifed accordingly.


alcohol and tobacco, are highly dangerous, and can be easily abused, by law.. this is not right. and the government knows it.


the money saved on jailing and prosicuteing cannabis users, could be put back into our failing health system.


tax made on the sale of medical cannabis, could be used to do research on the wonder drug of our life time, 'cannabis'


i can feel a rant and rave coming on, id better leave it here, thanks for reading.


happy herbing, and peace to all.

from sirvapealot.


:bongon: :applause: :thumbsup: :yahoo:

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hey martin , nice one brother.. i agree, people should not be told not to use a life saving drug, just because the drug companies cant patent it..


i dont agree with smokin weed, or smokin anything for that matter, but vaporizing a medical grade cannabis, cannot be harmful, to any one.


i have emailed channel 7 with my views on the subject, im waiting for a response.


i know if i get cancer, i will be medicating myself, and no one will stop me.


we need more people like your self, educating the brain washed public, about what this government is doing, slowly killing us all off, with ignorance and lies.


ive been using cannabis for about 25 yrs, and have no mental illness, i have my own business, and multi traded, highly educated, and of the best part law abiding, im not about to be told i cant cure my own cancer.


i believe we should have laws regarding cannabis, like you must be over 21, you must injest it safely, like vaporizing, or in edibles, or as medicine. growing your own must be limited, and registered with a cannabis


control board, im not suggesting a free for all, have it for sale in speciality shops, register your self as a commerial grower and pay taxes, and have your product classifed accordingly.


alcohol and tobacco, are highly dangerous, and can be easily abused, by law.. this is not right. and the government knows it.


the money saved on jailing and prosicuteing cannabis users, could be put back into our failing health system.


tax made on the sale of medical cannabis, could be used to do research on the wonder drug of our life time, 'cannabis'


i can feel a rant and rave coming on, id better leave it here, thanks for reading.


happy herbing, and peace to all.

from sirvapealot.


:bongon: :applause: :thumbsup: :yahoo:


Well written, Martin - coherent and fact based. I'd be more in discussion mode, but this morning, I'm researching 1st hand the consequences of an excess of alcohol. Again [sigh].



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well lady and gents there's only one thing we can do barnet wants a drug war maybe its time to let the government know our power.

The problem is two many cannabis users wont stand up to these wankas lets face it its illegal and with these new laws its like going into a cop shop and handing your self in.

Its time for a protest and a large one let these dictators know we ready to fight so to speak. the government gets away with anything they want to because its simply to hard for one person to take them on. but with support and a large turnout we can start to change these laws. whos with me

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good luck martin. Keep an eye out on the net for pro cannabis posters in pdf that u can print out and leave around.



Why not take your posters/leaflets door to door just like the Jehovah Witness folk do?

Or are you just going to scatter them about the place?


Wars, graffiti, revolutions.Underground movements.

What a laugh you guys give us all.

Just like the playground at Primary school where kids huddle together and plot against a Teacher they dislike.

We have to face this reality and use our drug with stealth and utmost secrecy.

If you think the current State laws are bad now...Just you wait another two years or so.

This site provides wonderful hints about growing our drug secretly and efficiently.

Use this info and this site while it is still allowed to exist. It won't be here for long.

Meantime rave away with your anger and give us your war plans. Makes a good laugh.

But I understand the rage. I have it too. I'm as mad about these restrictions as everyone else...But face it, they are here to stay. Learn to live with them.

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Why not take your posters/leaflets door to door just like the Jehovah Witness folk do?

Or are you just going to scatter them about the place?


Wars, graffiti, revolutions.Underground movements.

What a laugh you guys give us all.

Just like the playground at Primary school where kids huddle together and plot against a Teacher they dislike.

We have to face this reality and use our drug with stealth and utmost secrecy.

If you think the current State laws are bad now...Just you wait another two years or so.

This site provides wonderful hints about growing our drug secretly and efficiently.

Use this info and this site while it is still allowed to exist. It won't be here for long.

Meantime rave away with your anger and give us your war plans. Makes a good laugh.

But I understand the rage. I have it too. I'm as mad about these restrictions as everyone else...But face it, they are here to stay. Learn to live with them.



Firstly guys due to not being able to find the link about Dupont and development of Cannabinoids I will retract my statement in the above post that relates to this. I have contacted DuPont and they denie any involvement with and Cannabinoid substances. I only want to post information with credible links.

I am under no illusion that i can cange the world, but lead me with intellegents for gods sake...the law changes about bongs for a start. there is total foolishness as research has shown smoking cannabis or tobacco through a water pipe removes a lot of the cancernogens from the smoke. where is the harm reduction?


I still think that the law needs changing especialy in regards to medical use and unless we in Australia get an act with our laws on research restrictions we wll miss the boat. thousands suffer anually in Australia and for no good reason but to push ther own brand of drugs. I see my garandmar slowly loosing her mind with dimentia but she has no access to a proven drug that will stop her brain cell loss.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4286435.stm

these people need help and we all need to say our bit to get them the best possable care and meds.you never know it might be you screeming out for the new wonder drug and then trying to get the law reformed quickly to save your life :blink: . better to start now.

I am currently corrisponding with Lucas Ride who is the Senior policy and project Officer at the WA police, he has only directed me to the Western Australian poison Act 1964, here is the link if anyone wants to check the schedual of drugs.


I believe they are governed by The National Coordinating Committee on Therapeutic Goods (NCCTG) that was established by Order of the Federal Executive Council on 17 March 1971. The 1971 Order was revoked in October 1986 to facilitate the establishment of NCCTG as a committee of the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC).


recent reccomendations by the board is to separate the chemicals and medicins into their own scheduals and re-clasification or soft drugs. have to wait and see on that.

I will keep you posted,

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