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Barnett goes nuts, decides to start new "War on Drugs"

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Fuck you Barnette! These new laws will be the reason I leave this state I was born and raised in..



Cheers heaps, ya fuckwit! :faint:

In the playground where he tend to spend most of his days

chillin' out max and relaxing all cool

smoking some canna outside of the school

when a couple of guys who were up to no good

started making trouble like a coppa would

He got only one little fine and his mum got scared and said

You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in SA


On a serious note. This is the only instant I wish for some large scale havoc to unfold causing this guy to resign hopefully.

Edited by Tsigle
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Am still in shock at this ridiculous rushed decision by a pack of arrogant politicians trying to gain votes without addressing the real issue of the drug problem our youth are facing. Crack, meth, ectasy, pills and powders with all sorts of horrific additives are what the youth are exposed to as they see cannabis as an old fashioned plant the hippies smoke. I noted the comments from a lot of people in the Sunday Times who knew absolutely nothing about the subject agreeing with this tough stance on cannabis. Prohibition has not worked in 50 years so why keep wasting time and money in a vain attempt to gain popularity.


Cannabis is a medicine to many people for a multitude of illnesses ranging from epilepsy, glaucoma, cerebal palsy, cancer, arthritis, gastric complaints and accident victims to name a few as other more advanced countries are recognizing and providing choice for these sufferers. Why is Western Australia going against all scientific research and denying our sick and suffering this medicine just because they cannot identify which of its 450 compounds causes the miraclous healing.


Agree with Daryl about everyone just saying Not Guilty as you are NOT.

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If all the people who get busted when the new laws are applied, said absolutely nothing to the cops, so it would mean a court case and not guilty plea. It would tie up the justice system to just deal with these cases so much there would be a back log in the courts, it would cost the tax payer shit loads of money. Tax payers would then see how their money is wasted.


Gestapo tactics just don't work any more.:wallbash:

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Gestapo tactics just don't work any more.:wallbash:

No shit. They only work for the period of time when people first get the jolt of fear, once it sets in there becomes a revolt. We have to find a way to turn this in out favor by exposing the ridiculousness of this to Australia. The Not guilty idea seems good, however I think we might need a little more than that. Anyone want to make a brainstorm topic, or just brainstorm on this. Protests will probably be impotent. Perhaps some propaganda might work, but we need to find a way to pack it in a way so it doesn't look like we're making assumptions. We need to look as everything he's been doing for the past few years and see if he is harsher towards cannabis than ACTUAL drugs that cause HARM.

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