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Barnett goes nuts, decides to start new "War on Drugs"

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Barnett goes for a new War on Drugs with Cannabis laws in Western Australia.

Well the genius at the helm of the Western Australian parliament has come up with a grand idea. Let's increase penalties for cannabis possession, use and cultivation, as well as distribution of smoking implements to minors, by a full order of magnitude shall we? So a $200 fine for possession of 30gm now turns into a $2000 fine and potentially 2yrs gaol for posession of anything over 10gm.




Just read the following story to see the crazy at work.



MAXIMUM fines for possessing small amounts of cannabis will increase more than 10 times when new WA drug laws come into force on August 1.


After 2 1/2 years of promising to get tough on marijuana users, dealers and growers, the Liberal-National Government's "war on drugs" is about to begin.


The penalty for possessing less than 30g of cannabis will jump from a $100 fine to a maximum of $2000 and the possibility of two years in jail.


The penalty for growing up to two marijuana plants is a $200 fine, but that will jump to a maximum $2000 fine and prosecution with the prospect of two years behind bars for growing any number of plants.


And the penalty for businesses caught selling smoking implements to children will increase from $25,000 to a possible $120,000 and two years jail.


"We are declaring war on drugs and this is just the beginning," Police Minister Rob Johnson told The Sunday Times yesterday.


WTF are these guys smoking to think this is anything like a good idea and that it would have anything but devestating consequences for the vast majority of users and producers of cannabis? These consequences will filter through the social and economic system of Western Australia and cause so much more harm than good it just blows me away that the Government can't or won't see it.


This is why I'm a cynic.

Edited by Darth Desolas
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I think they should be concentrating more on Meth/Crack Labs and the like, making raving loonies roam the streets. It's about time Cannabis was seen as the soft drug it is.

There are far more pressing issues out there for the police and the courts to deal with, not to mention the extra strain on the prison system.

But thats all big money now......Government contracts and Private Companies running Prisons. Look at America......I'm sure they got a Pepsi Prison somewhere......

Who the hell do you vote for to get a fair go............ Peace. Gh72

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those new laws stink your right gh they should go after the crack heads and hard drugs weed is no where near as bad as that other shit i know lots of people ova the years throw there life away due to the hard drugs havent really heard of any one throw there life away by smoking weed our gov is fucked still wont stop me growing my weed it helps me get throu the days with gut aches and other pains.
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If West Oz had no iron ore no one over here would give a rats arse what shit came out of Barnetts mouth. He has helped further entrench the 'East states v West Oz' dim witted mentality so it comes as no surprise he views pot smokers as yet another lower class of citizen also.

Barnett is an arrogant bigot, the only way to shut that fucker up is to plead NOT GUILTY on each and every cannabis charge until the court system grinds to a halt. It is the only way. Forget about marches, rallies, bbq's blah blah blah each person needs to draw a line in the sand and stand up when busted. That's my 2 cents

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yes i cant begin to express here my shock and horror over this outrageous persecution of good peace-loving tax-paying citizens of WA


i bet the South Aussie Cannabis industry will be sending as much weed as it can over to WA in the full knowledge that the price of Cannabis in WA will sky-rocket thru the roof after these draconian laws are passed


what ever possessed the WA ppl to vote such a fascist tyrant pig into power anyway


when has Prohibition ever worked ? .. thats right never, yet Fuhrer Barnett thinks he has a mandate to pass such laws ..


this is a very black day for human rights in WA and Australia , yes human rights .. is it not a fundamental human right for a person to be able to use a God-given natural plant for their own personnel enjoyment or even more-so for the relief of pain, whilst having absolutely no impact on any other person


its no wonder the Mayans stopped forecasting the calender beyond 2012 they must have foreseen the lunatics taking over and running the asylum



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well, this is truthfully devastating, I think this will actually work, scaring and telling people what not to do... with that ridiculous fine, it's been a great long run for WA or Australia. The only hopes left are to wait until those old grumpy crazed folks to pass away / die , if lucky, with some new decent intellectual govs taking over. Until then, I KNOW it will go down fall from here on... ( I think it's time to move country ) :console:
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