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Any sparkys in here ?

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Just wondering what the benefits of running a 5Kw alternator in relation to costs would be?

I'd like to run four 1000 watt HID's and have one Kw for extras.

I am electricly iliterate when it comes to power generation but have often thought that it would be handy to be able to supply your own volts and not worry about the power company keeping tab on my usage.

At the moment there is no problem because I'm drawing my power from an industrial complex but that might be coming to a halt soon so Im looking ahead at other avenues of power supply in a rural area without creating suspicion.

The alternator would only run for 12 hours each day to supply power for a large SOG setup where the cloneing chamber and mothers could safely use the domestic supply.

Noise wont be a problem but it would be kept to a minimum.


My questions are,


1 How big is a 5000Kw alternator complete with engine, are they similar in size to those gensets that tradesmen use?

2 Can the alternator be purchased seperately and be driven by a small car motor ( I have plenty of them lying around ).

3 Cost of a complete unit. (roughly).

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The small gensets tradesman usually use are 3.5 kva. A 5kva is not much bigger at all. The alternator can be purchased separately but you may have a few probs. hooking it up to a car motor as the shafts/pulleys(depending on the alternator) may differ a lot.If u have some engineering background you could make a plan. Remember that an old car motor will use shitloads more fuel than a one cylinder motor which is designed for the specific purpose.

There is also a load problem as the motors on gensets are designed to increase revs when more power is used(the governing system).

If you are serious about using a genset then i would suggest buying a good second hand unit instead of making your own plan as if you blow the alternator and are not using it in the right way your warranty will be void. You also have the problem of miscalculating and blowing up your lights and ballasts. Gensets are usually set at about 3200rpm(if my memory serves me correctly) to achieve 225-230 volts. It is a good idea but do your homework first on cost of petrol/diesel and cost of electricity, as a genny under a 5kva load will use a lot of fuel my man. As for cost i cannot remember what they go for now but i would assume at least $1000- $1500 for a decent(new) unit. Best thing to do would be to call your local genny supplier and have a chat with them, they would have all the specs. In my experience i have found Honda gennys to be the most reliable and easy to maintain/service and get spares for.

hope that helps, if you need any more just ask.

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Thanks for the reply Skankmaster...very informative and easy to understand.


I once connected a 3 kva. genset to a 600 watt HPS ballast when the mains supply failed in a thunder storm, it kept the light going but the bulb flickered a lot which led me to beleive that I might need a much bigger unit if I propose use a lot more watts.


I've been chatting with Stonedas about a devise that will boost the volts/watts from a small voltage input that can cut mains power usage to a respectible and non suspicious level.


I havent decided which way I want to go yet, time is not an issue at the moment and cost is not a problem but I will definately be using an alternative other than straight power company supply.

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The old man uses a 1x1m panel to charge a spare battery to power flouro's at night when camping... Just sticks it on the roof of the car and off he goes... Not to sure how well it would do with something more powerful, although you may be able to get away with a lesser wattage hid... (if you can find one...)


It's an interesting idea you brought up mate... :D

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Good on ya... Me too... Solar panels all over the roof... hee hee... you actually end up making money off the power company....;) and getting a reduced rate... :D


Go for it pipe... As to powering small grows of say 400w... I'd love to know what would be needed to grow that with a solar panel as sole supply of light... It's pretty ironic tho... using solar panels, to convert light to electricity and then back into heat and light from the hid... just to grow a plant which would be just as happy in the full sun, and would probably grow bigger and better anyway... :P


There are obvious reasons to use these to grow indoors like security... but ya gotta admit... :)

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