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English Toffee ....

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Not my recipie I ripped this one outa a book , but there is alota butter in this


you will need a candy or jam making thermometer to get this right

you will also need some gloves on when near the hot toffee as it will melt your skin off and it hurts like a bitch , trust me


Ingredients,...... all these are weight out by the gram


1200gm Sugar

300gm Brown Sugar

300gm Light corn syrup or Glucose syrup

300gm Sweetend condensed milk

500gm of butter ( yeahaa )

30gm Salt

30gm Vanilla extract


1. Combine all the ingedients except the vanilla extract together in a saucepan and cook to 150 degrees C or 302 degrees F while stiring constantly (this is important )


2. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract


3. Pour mixture into large trays linned with baking paper


4. Let toffee cool and cutt into pieces with oiled knife before it fully sets


5. Enjoy





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These sound totally delicious :chef: ... what a great way to enjoy Canna-butter :xcited:, just pop a lolly :applause:. Would be easy to regulate dosage for people who only need a small amount as well... My mum would love these.. sometimes she finds my baked goodies a bit too strong but eats them cos they taste so good lol, so this sounds like a great alternative for her especially..

thanks for sharing this brimstoned :thumbsup:



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no worries dani , these lollies are beautiful tasting ....I just got to work on my butter :chef: ( I am going to use the method you posted next time )


I eat a couple a day and they mellow me out nice ............ my ones arnt the strongest though :good:


If you make these tell us what you think .... taa

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