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Case of the Mystery Seed

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Good Day All =)


This is my first post, besides my introduction and replies to that. Yes, it is about a topic that may cause much heated debate and angst amongst other seasoned growers here, nonetheless, the story goes something like this.


Two years ago or so, I had 2 plants. About 3 foot each. They were both female, or at least, apparently so. One of the females was heavily seeded. The other, contained one seed throughout the entire plant ( that I could find).


I began to wonder... " WHO GOT MY GIRLS PREGNANT!??"


I considered the options. I came up with, either the pollen blew in on the wind from somewhere else around here, or, to the delight of my paranoia, the fuzz flew over with a chopper dropping hemp pollen and laughing meniacally at their deviousness..


I harvested the heavily seeded female early. I can be a butcher. Since then ive learnt to treat my plants with more respect, and I swear to all of you, I will never let this happen again.


The seeds were not entirely 100% ready to be harvested, and in that process I discovered something. You know those "tiger stripes", mottling marks, ect? Guess what; on an immature seed those marks RUB OFF!! hahahahahah... Not much point there, but I found that fascinating.


Regardless, I stored the seeds in the fridge for the season. Until last season I put some seeds in.


Not long after they had begun to preflower, I was given my long awaited answer.


I have hermaphrodites......... again..... hahahahah


Ive come across these little freaks once before in my growing past, with genetics that just were not even worth the time growing, yet still..


What I have discovered with these things is that, you get about 3-4 different types.

A)Dominantly female

B) Dominantly male

C) Mostly female

D) Mostly male


Its really a bit of a game of having to weed out the dominant males and mostly males once their sexes become known, of course.


To the horror of many of you. These seeds are all I really have to work with. They're nothing special, their only good quality is they have a nice smell and taste, but their potency is as much of a joke as is the quality of the commercial smoko that can be found, atleast around my parts of Oz.


I do actually have another source of seed genetics, but i know that they will be about the same as my hermaphrodite ala special, and I dont think they will have the taste or smell that produces some small level of satisfaction. If by now the spaces between each of my lines has become disconcerting, I apologize, ill try and fix this..


Whilst I could scream and beg for some kind soul on here to pass me along even one male seed of fine quality genetics, I would never ask people on here to take the risks of their own security on behalf of my own salvation from the nightmare which is a lack of quality genetics. I am left with but 2 alternatives.


Option 1: Amsterdam seeds. Those reading my introductory post, then know of my interest in obtaining quality genetics through this time honoured method of slipping seeds in pieces of paper and putting them on aircraft, ect ect.. Ill try not to ramble so much I really did just wake up =)


Option 2: Breed what ive got. I have considered this option carefully, but have not done the research i need in order to learn how to select traits and try to build on those, ect ect. I do hope to be taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge on here, so that I may learn how to turn what ive got into something noticably better. I estimate I can do 20 generations in 10 years.. Somehow I dont think this will be enough, but I could be wrong............. Any input from experienced breeders on here would be very very kindly appreciated. I am willing to learn, and do the hard yards and the time it may take to turn what ive got into something respectable.


Not much else to say really. The year long mystery of how my ladies were seeded is solved.. But I dream, I long, I hope with all my being to acquire some quality genetics that are worth the time and effort. I feel cheated by the current state of the commercial market. Whats available is a joke, and not worth the valuable real estate of my lungs


Thoughts, ideas, input, anything would be greatly appreciated!


As you can probably tell, I am far far from stoned right now. =)

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The stripes rubbing off is interesting. I never knew that.


Considering you have nothing to lose, you could try improving the breed you have. Not sure how successful you'd be but it's worth the fun. I'd try it.


How many seeds did you get from your plant?

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Hashy mate i cant believe that you seriously want to continue with these genetically retarded seeds .. for what .. 10 yrs you say, and still maybe end up with retarded plants .. no,no,no


why not buy a couple of In-Bred Lines IBL, which is a strain of plants that breeds 'true' and uniform to their parents, almost clone-like in replication

get one IBL strain that is close to 100% sativa and another different IBL strain that is close to 100% indica

cross these two strains with each other (out-breed them) and you will have a new strain that approximates traits from each breed and is completely different and unique to anything anyone else is growing, breeding, or selling

also you can allow these two different IBL strains to fertilize their sisters (in-breed them) and they will result in plants just like their parents


so you end up with seeds from the original two different IBL strains which will breed 95% true for their parents traits,


a seeds for a new different strain all of your own that represents a melting pot of traits from the two different IBL sativa and indica parents you crossed with each other


bugger messing around with genetics that have been in-bred, out-bred, re-combinded and generally fooked-over and abused for so long they are throwing hermaphrodite progeny .. its just like bashing your head against a brick-wall


well, just something for you to consider anyway ...


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why not buy a couple of In-Bred Lines IBL, which is a strain of plants that breeds 'true' and uniform to their parents, almost clone-like in replication

get one IBL strain that is close to 100% sativa and another different IBL strain that is close to 100% indica. Cross these two strains with each other (out-breed them) and you will have a new strain that approximates traits from each breed and is completely different and unique to anything anyone else is growing, breeding, or selling

also you can allow these two different IBL strains to fertilize their sisters (in-breed them) and they will result in plants just like their parents. So you end up with seeds from the original two different IBL strains which will breed 95% true for their parents traits...

Welcome Hashy, good luck mate.


I grow bagseed at the momment, I'm lucky to not have any hermies late in flower yet. What Frazz said sounds like a great idea. I didn't realise it was that easy, but when he put it that way it sounds really easy. I will be giving this a go eventually for sure.


Cheers Frazz



Edited by iatd
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yeah buy some seeds if ya can mate..... Sure u can have some fun on the side but it will take ages for u to find or suss out some good ones amongst ya bad ones. But if u want to have fun, throw some bag seed around and becareful u don't mess with ya good strain. I got a mix of seeds from 3 plants, one of which is an indica dom (Hog) and I want to find it... Got heaps of seeds but not enough room, pots and lights. Maybe in summer I will throw a heap outside and see what I get. But thats another story.
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