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Guest weekprik

I tried this once and it worked,


Around your plants but at least 2 metres away from them, I dug out a trench and poured in old engine oil, they will not cross oily soil.


or otherwise yeah cut ya grass back a bit,


MY own opinion.


reminds me though, my lovely 9 yr old son came out yesterday with,

Whats a Slug dad? So i start spourting out shit about slugs and he goes NAH dad,

A slug is a homeless snail ;) ::):

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Don't use the pellets with normal pesticides in them, get the Iron EDTA ones made by Multigard... much safer for you and the surrounding environment, and it even breaks down into trace amounts of iron! So it's actually a benifit... but don't put them anywhere you're likely to get regular wetting near foliage or stems... in otherwords, surround the pots with the stuff, but not on the pots... why? Because they can go mouldy very quick, and that's never a good thing to have around our favourite plant...


Anyway... Other tricks for snails is shallow dishes in the soil with beer, these drown the buggers... you can also buy traps at garden centers for this, its a little better.... Copper banding is a way to stop them crossing, they get a slight shock from it. You should also be able to get this from a good garden center...


Hmmm snails.... Keep the pots raised, and you could also circle the pots with a substantial ring of salt... they hate it with a passion... Keep the salt dry tho... They also can't cross dry sawdust... they don't like the texture, so a ring of that a few centimeters wide and a couple high should do the job, so would hay.


If you have tiny garlic snails, (the really small ones, like a small spiral), you can cut a thin slice of apple, leave it on the surface of the soil away from the stem over night, and then in the morning lift the apple slice... All the snails will be on the apple, and you can then remove them safely! You may have to repeat this tho, and don't leave the apple slice there to rot, obviously. lol


Well, I hope that helps ya, talk to you soon wantdachronic. :rolleyes:

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i have used those snail pellets or simular b4...and yeah they go moldy very qickly :rolleyes: made the mistake with my last outdoors grow of putting them all over the top of the pots (kept snails at bay but when the mold kicked in, it made the pots look like spiders made a web over the top of the pellets)


with all the wet weather atm i can lay down any deterant really so i put the babies in a warm shed yesterday to try and protect them from the elements and them cunt snails lol...walked in thismorning they were all streching for the sky and i put them in a nice bit of light...the lighting conditions arnt as good as outside but with all the shit atm (raids, snails, weather,etc) its just the safer alternative atm

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walked out thismorning to check my babies and my fave plant ( Kali Mist that i had to remove the seed case from the sprout ) had been attacked...couldnt fucking believe this would happen. I made sure every pot had snail pellets, the surounding area was covered in pellets and i showered pellets all over place in about a 10m radius millions of pellets...i have never had this much trouble so i think i should just move the plants

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