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plants dying from ground up

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G'day all, hope you can help. I have 4 w/widow plants 3 weeks into flowering. The grow room size is 1m x 1m, 400 hps, 2 x 250 fans. 4 x 20" pots all with there own watering rose, and clay beads. Poly in a cirlre with 4 holes ea.

When in vegi I was feeding the girls with miracle grow @ 18cf. When I turned them to flower I raised the cf slowly over the first week tot the 24. End of second week I raised the cf to 28. Now the problem.

At the end of the second week I noticed some of the fan leaves were tuning yellow from the bottom up. Now these buggers were as big as your hand. Larger in some cases. I thought this was just natural as satavias normally drop the big leaves. Two days later I noticed the bottom foliage small bran ches etc was drooping.

Thinking it was not getting enough to eat I increased the cf to 28. Tried that for three days - no improvement. I tried the other way for two days, instead of a three hr feed cycle , I dropped it to four. No good. Changed nuts to straight water and ran the pump for 1 hr. Recharged the nutes at 24cf. This was yesterday. I got the shits not knowing re root rot that last night in what I can only call absolute stupidy (may have been that last smoke) that I sacrificed one plant to check the roots. No smell and the hairs would not come off unless you pulled them. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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sounds like they are root bound and got root rot man..pull them out of the pots and check for a foul smell like rotten egg gas...If it has the smell..cut out the black spots with nife and put a layer of clay balls on the bottome of the pot..about 2 inches ..then put your root ball back in the pot..or re-pot in to another pot.. let it run dryer too man..










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and clay beads
I was feeding the girls with miracle grow @ 18cf. When I turned them to flower I raised the cf slowly over the first week tot the 24. End of second week I raised the cf to 28.

You are starving your plants, Miracle Grow is a fertiliser for soil and not a hydro nutrient, get some pot specific hydro flowering nutrients.

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Thanks for the advice pipeman. I never checked it with the meter before. Opened my eyes. After the first bucket the reading was 10. It took about 8 buckets to get it down to 6. After three more buckets it still read 6. Tap water was 5. I flushed all 4 individually, I'd hate to have to do this to 20 or 30. I let them dry for 4 hrs them put them back on regular 15min every 3 hr cycle. I'll let you know in a couple of days.

Kash - checked & done that last night. No smell and roots a nice white with long flowing hairs. They look good. The plants look like they need a good water. Healthy on top, drooping below. Thanks for you post.

Taz & Luke - I suppliment miracle grow with "bloom Buster" while in the flowering stage. It is low in nitrogen (6.2), & high in phosperous (14.6) and potassum(16.8) Using miracle grow or "Head On" from growth technology I was getting the same results & the plants seem to love it, drinking around 6 - 8ltrs a day so I'm always adding to it. I tried a 2 part mix from amsterdam indoors and the bitches would not touch it. No fluid uptake and nonmovement on the cf meter. I was contemplating using the bloom buster on its own as it seems to have the right balance, whoever I've got to get them back healthy before I try experimenting.

Thanks again all for your replys, its appreciated

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