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My Dad has been busted...3/10/2003





My father was busted for growing pot in a small town in South Oz this very night...I must say I feel a little responsable because I was the one to recomend smoking and eventually growing pot for the relief his spinal injury pain.

The total of the fine including possesion and all other shit was $80,(nothing to me and most of you )...but to my father who is parranoid at the best of times, this is totally devistating and humilliating!

He is now so upset at the thought of being busted that he is now thinking of giving it up ...growing that is..(even though it is the ONLY drug that gives him relief from the pain he has had ever since breaking his spine in three different places 20 years ago.

I am upset and pissed off at the state of the laws in this country at the moment and above all else worried about my dad who is willing to endure back pain rather than be busted again for pot growing......even though it was only one plant for personal use he was busted for.


My question is....can ANYONE give me advice on a medical marijuana registry (if there is one) and how and and or who to contact in regard to a real medicinal marijuana user request for some leaniance....





...son of a guy who realy needs it!!

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Guest weekprik

hi Damo,


my advise is this tell him to grow INSIDE, not outside as its too risky, if he grows inside he can buy something called an ozone generator, This is unlike the other suggestions that say to mask the odour in that it doesnt mask it, it just down right fucking destroys the smell molecules. and then it disapates in to oxygen atoms. so in SMALL doses isnt harmful.


otherwise yea out side I would grow some smelly plants around the area and use heaps of garlic in the area as well.

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Hey Damo tell your old man to grab those fucking  school teachers an take 'm for a drive up to Snowtown . You'll be able to BANK on the fact  that those fuckers will never open their big fat fucking mouths again. Teach the teachers a lesson.

Teahers - men amongst children & children amongst men - as someone once said! Those teachers next door to ya dad have proved that maxim true! Wankers

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As stated by pipeman bob carr has gotten the bll rollng n med mj apparently there will be a clinical trial of mj and also special circumstances will allow you to GET mj from govt in tablet or nasal spray probably nasal spray BUT in order to get it you must be chronically ill with one of the conditions set out by the govt (cancer etc) and be NSW resident so I don't know whether this helps, but good luck and maybe SA will soon follow suit.
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hey people...


It was an indoor grow (one plant) but a real stinky one!.....obviously!


All has kind of settled down with the shock of Mr Plod knocking on the door but now he (my dad) is on the 'books' the cops can and will drop around again at anytime.


I think he is going to stop growing for a while until the dust settles and get his stash from friends of his when he needs it......which is a real shit because as we all know growing it is half the fun...and a great stress relief in itself!


Anyway it could be worse....but like I mentioned earlier it's the principal of the matter which is what we are both pissed off about.


Thanks heaps for all of your kind thoughts guys!


Toke it easy



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