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My Dad has been busted...3/10/2003





My father was busted for growing pot in a small town in South Oz this very night...I must say I feel a little responsable because I was the one to recomend smoking and eventually growing pot for the relief his spinal injury pain.

The total of the fine including possesion and all other shit was $80,(nothing to me and most of you )...but to my father who is parranoid at the best of times, this is totally devistating and humilliating!

He is now so upset at the thought of being busted that he is now thinking of giving it up ...growing that is..(even though it is the ONLY drug that gives him relief from the pain he has had ever since breaking his spine in three different places 20 years ago.

I am upset and pissed off at the state of the laws in this country at the moment and above all else worried about my dad who is willing to endure back pain rather than be busted again for pot growing......even though it was only one plant for personal use he was busted for.


My question is....can ANYONE give me advice on a medical marijuana registry (if there is one) and how and and or who to contact in regard to a real medicinal marijuana user request for some leaniance....





...son of a guy who realy needs it!!

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hey mate from memory the only medical mj trials I can remember were in NSW. but I'm not 100%. I seem to remember an Australian medical marijuana site, compassion connection maybe? not sure as well, can't find the link.


sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you keep searching on the web you might get lucky.

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Hey thanks for the reply Pipeman!

I have been checking out quite a few different web sites in the last few hours but havent really had much luck...I'll check out the ones you suggested and see what they have to say.


I'm still upset at what happened to my dad.....it kind of hits home when someone you know gets busted - especially when they really do have a legitimate reason to grow and smoke.


The cop who busted him was apparently very cool about it and could see how upset my dad was and actually left one of his three pipes behind for him!

Damn the two new school teachers who moved next door to him a couple of months ago and called the cops!!.....they have no idea!


anyway I'm raving on now

Thanks again



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There a lot of people out there who seem to get pleasure from getting people nailed by the cops. sad sad people.

Some people really deserve to suffer the pain and distress that they cause other people, it might make them a little more understanding and compassionate.

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Uhhh, is wishing pain upon others compassion... ;) :)


I feel for your father, has he talked to any doctors regarding a legitimate medical defence? I know that it's probably a lot easier to just take the fine and go, because defending such a charge would easily cost a lot more than the $80 fine he recieved... But if he does continue to grow, it may assist him in the future to get a doctors certificate that this is medicine which is effective and absolutely required for his continued wellbeing, it may not stand up well legally in court, (you might get lucky, but refer back to my comment about the cost) if you ever had to argue it, but it may make the neighbours think twice before calling the police... (you'd have to talk with em of course, and discuss the situation... ) and if the police to return, you'd be able to show them that and see if they can see it your way rather than strictly the other... :P


I know this isn't the best advice, I can't really offer much, but that's just a thought I had... I sincerely hope your father finds relief, from MJ or whatever, and I hope he doesn't allow the ignorance of a few morons to stop him from living life and getting the medicine he needs to feel better.

Let us know how things go man, I hope it works out for you and your dad. ;)

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Hey Thanks all to have replied....a great community spirit indeed!


I have been in touch with the nimbin hemp embassy who promptly replied with this message...............




Our sympathies. If you write to the Compassion Club, PO Box 500, Nimbin

NSW 2480 or call 02 6689 1968 and leave a message they'll get back to you

pronto. Good luck and love to your dad."


check out the net for more medical pot info, starting with

www.hempembassy.net news pages.




As you can imagine I am totally overwelmed by such goodwill and compassion shown by everyones best wishes...Thanks guys!



I am a grower too but I'm not willing to post it from Surry Hills to South Oz....and yes my dad could buy it from others he knows but I guess it's the principal of the whole situation that I'm talking about...know what I mean?

He is going to have a friendly chat with the neighbours tomorrow and try to resolve any problems they have with his choice of medication.

The give away was the odor from those sweet buds wafting over the fence from his Hydro setup....I suggested a carbon filter installed somewhere along the line.....any other suggestions?


Thanks again



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Hi Damo,


sorry to hear about your poor dad.


Law in SA has got really fucked recently. I have heard of one judge who when dealing with a personal grower with three plants said "what's the law today? 1 plant, 3 plants I can't keep up myself" or words to that effect & gave a minimum fine.


Have you contacted hemp SA? http://www.hemp.on.net/ They may be able to offer some advice to your dad.


This is not an Australian site but a good medicinal growers site: http://www.treatingyourself.com/home.shtml


Regarding odour, a sponge over the expeled air vent on really smelly periods & place a few drops of "Aroma" (it's really really strong liquid tiolet block de-odouriser) covers it well. I have friends who use 'Dynamic Lifter' around the area to cover the smell too.


Good luck & best wishes to your old man

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