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cheapst hydro setup

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Define cheap... also you need to consider efficiency.


ie. a 250w hid may yield you ~6oz - costing $50 elec -- while a 400w may yield 12oz costing $70 elec. and so on.


So long as you are using your light footprint efficiently your doing alright - this means using a scrog or sog or some other method of training to ensure a full canopy.


That's an example of efficiency. I can't recommend much in the way of cheap methods because indoor weed grown on the cheap usually ends up crap.


For a full hydro setup you need to spend the cash on good equipment - while not exactly cheap it's sure better than forking out for a pre-fab growing unit.



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70 a fortnight? dont think so,


i have one of those electricity 'smart' meters


when i was epxerimenting with some bagseed seedlings under the 400hps i had them vegging 24/0 and racked up about 18$ for the fortnight


different states different prices but i suppose



i'm growing in a cupboard and am currently trying out coco and perlite mix ( just hand watering for now) definitley for the next grow but im going to do DWC( deep water culture) pretty easy and cheap to do, just do a quick google of diy dwc system and you'll see what i mean,

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