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bought a 400w mh light today!

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hello i know this might seem like a dumb question but what do i need to get this light to work? it says i need something to plug it in to other then a reg socket its a full kit with reflector ballast, etc etc..


there are no switches so can someone help a bit?



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you should have the right ballast to go with that light. The light socket has a chord which plugs into the ballast, and the ballast plugs into a power point. Assuming that its a remote ballast of course. Some light kits have the light fitting and ballast all in one. The ballast is a fairly heavy and chunky box, not something that is easily missed.
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Guest weekprik

Hi and welcome,


yes plug the bulb lead in to your ballast, then the lead from the ballast plugs in to the wall,

They do not normally have a switch on them, its the wall switch you turn it on with,


However dont turn it off and then try to turn it back on again, as it will prob just flicker but not come back on till it cools or 15 mins approx.


It is a good light for budding but not real good for vegging, but better than fluros but not as good as a HPS, which I suggest you use for growing to the 12/12 stage.

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yes i know i was going to get hps i think im going to get one in a couple days or so but i just want to get this light goin should do for now, it doesnt plug in to the ballast or anything its all connected, i tried to plug it in how longs it take to start up ? im really not sure howto turn it on i got fluros for vegging so im tight for now :)
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Guest weekprik
my HPS turns on straight away, it just kinda flickers like a fluro and then turns on, I reakon take it back to the shop, they will either replace the faulty unit or show u how to use it
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well i bought it online so i dunno it better work ! just5 plug it in and it should just flicker on like mu fluro's? i dont have an outlet in my closet(my grow room is in there) so i ran a extension cord then tried a surge protector and yet neither seemed to work should i just try another outlet?
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