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Cannabis for anxiety & stress



How good is cannabis as an anti-anxiety med? I suffer occassionally from anxiety/stress/insomnia from time to time and I hate it. Was prescribed Lexapro which stole my sex drive so went off it just as fast plus it never made me feel less anxious anyway.

To be honest only things that have worked is something like Oxycodone or Ambien though these can't really be taken during the day even though they actually make me feel happy. How would you use cannabis if you were treating yourself for anxiety/stress etc? Cheers :D

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Hello Guys, I have to admit that I rarely smoke cannabis, so it does feel awkward to give experienced users some suggestions in terms of strains.

However, I spent plenty of time medical journals to find something helping me to treat my anxiety, ADD and depression and I found

Cannabis a potential wonder drug. In most people, CBD (Cannabidiol) is working a lot better than THC; in fact, THC can in high concentrations even

induce paranoia. Remember, this is all based on serious University- based research, just browse pubmed. Of course, they don't talk about the

strains they are using. But as far as I now Harlequin is the strain with the highest THC content, available to non- researchers.

Usually industrial hemp has a high CBD content too, so why not mixing some legal weed (the stuff where your underpants come from) together with some good old pot?

In many studies, CBD performed as good as several antipsychotics and for anxiety it's effect was similar to Valium (200mg of CBD were found equivalent to 10-15mg of Valium which is quite impressive and way better than all other herbs you can get your hands on legally like Valerian etc. Unlike Valium or Xanax (which I am eating like candy - and clearly not for recreational reasons!) it's not addictive and doesn't mess up your memory, but improves it. CBD itself has no 'high- effect' and most recreational strains have almost no CBD as it partly counteracts the THC. On the other hand it CBD prolongs the action of THC and makes the whole thing smoother. Adding some rosemary to your weed can have a good effect, too, but clearly not everyone's taste.

CU, Tom

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@Vrod: Yeah, I heard of this stuff; however, shipping to Australia seems to be quite risky: so far every harmless package

I got from my family from overseas got checked by the customs and they always took something into quarantine or directly

dispose off the stuff, even if its just a damn hungarian salami or some German mustard seeds (which are cooked and thus incapable of spreading)

Thanks for your tip though! 6% THC, 6 % CBD, sounds like a heavenly gift.

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