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Cannabis for anxiety & stress



How good is cannabis as an anti-anxiety med? I suffer occassionally from anxiety/stress/insomnia from time to time and I hate it. Was prescribed Lexapro which stole my sex drive so went off it just as fast plus it never made me feel less anxious anyway.

To be honest only things that have worked is something like Oxycodone or Ambien though these can't really be taken during the day even though they actually make me feel happy. How would you use cannabis if you were treating yourself for anxiety/stress etc? Cheers :D

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dont take trhat crap they put me on xanex 8 mg a day , great for first month then , they do shit couldnt sleep started working oposite to what there suposto , , there all the same ,


pots great for anxiety , till u run out stress hits the roof then bongon.gifan me hands sweat heaps its a bitch trying to roll up lol smoke 5 x the ciggys i want some pot ack.gif

Edited by smashed1
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Indica dominant cannabis is best for stress, anxiety and insomnia ....

If you`ve only got unnamed seeds, grow them out and look for the most broad leaf plants .... they`re the Indica dominant plants :)

Any stretchy growth should be watched carefully as it may turn out to be a male...and ya dont wanna smoke/eat male plants

Skinny leaves are a Sativa trait..Sativa is more aimed at motivating people, redeveloping the appetite or just a good social smoke.


Growing ya own is pretty easy and bloody fun :xcited:

I suggest ya look through the Cannabis grow diaries here and suss out what space and style would suit ya :)

There`s a fair of reading to do if ya do get keen to grow ya own, but its way worth it.



Hope ya find what ya looking for mate :)



Chron :bongon:

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Thanks for the replies! I'd love to give the growing a try but a bit impossible at the moment as I don't have the place to myself so I just have to rely on whatever a mate can get me ..and cross my fingers, hope for the best! Would love to have a go at growing my own once I've got a place all to myself though :D
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Cenzo if you have to rely on a mate, best thing to do is save some spare cash and when you find a some weed that really works for you buy a large amount of it. I had the same situation years ago with my meds, some was great and some was absolutely terrible for my situation but when I found what I wanted I tried to stock pile it :thumbsup:
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Best pain relief strain I have found to date is Bog's Sour Bubble, best strain for anxiety is Querkle by Subcool, if you make a concentrated hemp oil, like www.phoenixtears.ca (sorry but thats where I got the recipe) then you dont need xanax or any other anti psychotics. Since I been making hemp oil I have been pain med and depression med free.
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Basically as everyone states... steer clear of the pharma gear.

The best thng you can do to relieve anxiety in the way Valium and Xanax work is to A: learn the basics of indoor growing B: Buy reputable medicinal seeds that contain a higher amount of CBD there are some strains in Cali that offer close to 11% CBD thats right! THC in these strains varies from 8-17% as a high is not the objective. CBD in most strains you can get your hands on in oz would have bugger all of this.. at most maybe 1% lol


I to grow for Anxiety - Best strains By far



No Name

Dark Diesel

Purple Pig

and there are many more - Harlequin being the Best! (in advance i apologise if this link is not allowed, however i do feel it is appropriate) http://budgenius.com/Harlequin-Altitude-Organic-BG0010001EB82.html

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How good is cannabis as an anti-anxiety med? I suffer occassionally from anxiety/stress/insomnia from time to time and I hate it. Was prescribed Lexapro which stole my sex drive so went off it just as fast plus it never made me feel less anxious anyway.

To be honest only things that have worked is something like Oxycodone or Ambien though these can't really be taken during the day even though they actually make me feel happy. How would you use cannabis if you were treating yourself for anxiety/stress etc? Cheers :Dlexapro been there to my sex drive went as well now on valium,mirtazapine and seroquel.Seroquel leaves a funny sickly sweet taste in my mouth,it is horrible stuff.have been able to start cutting right back on my meds which has made me feel a bit better.Thanks to a few joints i smoked a few weeks back,my sleep returned to normal for a while,but in the whole scheme of things i would rather use cannabis to calm me than some pills

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