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Eating viz smoking

Guest earthrepair


Guest earthrepair

Hi if we are taking about medicinal use of a herb surely smoking would have no part, or minimum part, to play in that. Pumping toxic tar ridden fumes into your lungs is a recipe for disaster and ill health. I can't remember when was the last time I smoked a joint of basil.

Even recreational users get a far better stone of ingestion thru the colon?

What are your thoughts?? If any..

OK so the poor bastard at deaths door who cannot chew may have a point but for the rest why not munch on cookies? That way the health police cannot rave on..and we all avoid nasty oxidants either actively or passively.

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Approximately a year ago NBC reported on a story of a man who injested around 3 - 4 pounds of parsley or basil, not sure which.


He didn't die, but he was very close to it. And that was from chlorophyll poisoning.

yeah thats a good point scuzz, people often eat 3-4 pounds of pot :)


and what was my crazy mother thinking always telling me to eat my greens??? crazy bitch was trying to kill me!

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Parsley/Vegetables have approximately 10 - 15% of the concentrated chlorophyll that cannabis has.


Theoretically it's possible to injest enough to be fatal especially within a timeframe of an hour or so. Usually people stop because of the taste. Others become stupid and don't.

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Guest earthrepair

Scuzz there is ingestion and ingestion. Chlorophyll in small amounts is beneficial but in large amounts sure can be toxic. If you cook by butter extraction method then chlorophyll would be minimal. Chlorophyll is a good antioxidant which is why smokers benefit from taking spirulina etc.


Re smoking bongs, pipes, vapes etc. I still believe that the burning/vape is toxic. Not enough work on vapes to discount that, I reviewed the Stone Crow posts. As he said from a health point of view he would not smoke at all..


If you eat a small amount of pot you can slowly monitor what is happening and up the dose with time. Sure you need to use the same strength material to get an idea of appropriate dose. From a health point of view looking for a medicinal herb this would be the way to go? Smoko occasionaly should be fine but regular smokers are screwing with their health and sending any medicinal benefit up in flames. As far as mulling with tobacco is concerned, my stomach churns..good way to spoil buds and wreck your lungs.


But each to their own..enjoy, whatever..

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hey earthrepair, I share some of your skepticism about vapourisers. Although I don't think there's much doubt they're better than smoking, who knows if that vapour has any harmful properties or not? Does anyone know of any research on this subject? (other than from companies flogging them off of course :) )


another way to take MJ in a healthier, more measured way would be to create a non-alcoholic tincture with glycerin, which you can get from most health food shops.

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Guest smokelife
All most all your answers hit the question right on, but a key fact has been left out, and no it' not a cool ass sciientific one. Why waste so much high quality time with your bitch? To sudstain a smoke induced high for as long as a ingestion high, how much weed do you think you have to eat. I bet if you continually smoked that weed which would have went to brownies, tar would fill you're lungs, but your highrwould last some much longer by spreading it out. Fick
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