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Duck's Offspring



I recently harvested my Ducks Offspring Hermi :) but had a good toke for a few days and found that the high was really weird. Like i smoked something like 10 cones b4 eraser came on the other night and i sat down thinking i cant grow worth shit then it kicked in....fucker creeped up on me and made me numb waist down and my head felt very light and clouded....The effects in the head lasted about 10-15mins and the numbness spread over my body during that time and i was left numb for a good hour and a half... :;):


any1 had anything simular to this strain? ie the creeper with numbness? cause i never had till i smoked the buds from that plant and its got me all curious ;) :P

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Guest Wilderbud

Ugh, I feel that way right now so yeah but its just a bag of redhair although the stone isnt a creeper - you get wasted instantly and really wasted on the next few cones and it lasts for 3 or 4 hours. Ive had one cone since coming home and Im stoned already - Im about to chop up the tip of a bud [i like picking the tip of the bud off as you need less cones of it to get stoned IMHO - especially when its cola bud]. :)


I had some really powdery lightly coloured skunky stuff last week which should have been heaps better than this but I just got high for an hour no matter how much I had [smoked about 10 cones in an hour at one stage - heh].


Some strains just kick arse I suppose. ;)

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