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POLL : worst strain you ever smoked

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G'day Troops.


Worst was some garbage that had been buried, and was mouldy, this was in the very early days, 40 odd years ago, didn't know any better, it was like smoking a dirty T shirt and made you sick. Without doubt, the heads that they grow up behind Tully, for the best smoke. It made my ears ring and I went down on all fours, I crawled out the back door of my mate's house. He grew it, it flattened a lot of others as well.:guitar:

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thia budda stix ...

. best ...closest to greening out iv ever been...i thought it was the tobacco mix that was makin me spin..and feel all pale and clamy...turns out the mix was straight...just super toxic..took me hours to come good...layed in backseat of car drivin around syd cbd..

not goin to put worst ,cause as said before one mans trash is anothers treasure....HM

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I am sure most can't answer this question, as most don't know what they are smoking. I bought Weed for 15 years and only ever been told "its skunk" or "hydro" or "it will Fuck you up". All of which is just hearsay by some cok who don't know shit. In my time though I have had some rubbish smoke and some that has crippled me..... Once again I will point out how this is really useless to most. (not knocking u ssdd) but I was told I bout "red beard" if thats even a strain, or even what it was (looked red) and it tripped me out hard then ever. Moldy, black, burried weed was the worste.
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I still remember it stix, was about 12 years ago. Ya "mate" is a toss by the sounds of it and should be made to give his clones to me.....


hey token he is a friend of a friend and my mate is the one that got him the clones we have been asking for clones for over 2 years every time you get i will do some soon blah blah it aint hard its ok i have some blue cheese that is goin to be ready soon and it will smash it i hope ha ha

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