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Chlorine and shit?

Guest weekprik

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I think thats averagely bad, its 280ppm, but it dont warrant a RO filter I dont think,

if you get an RO filter instead of connecting the waste water pipe from the RO into the waste water pipe from the sink, run it into a bucket and put it on your garden, wastes about 15ltrs every 24hrs.


yeah well the faucet is like at the dentist how you have to press a lever, I tried taping it down but the tape comes unstuck and it stops and when I'm finished wanking I go look at it and see its filled up fuck all.


If you get one get a good one, that does like 100 gallon per day. I wouldnt mind one of them RO filters that cost 5000 that dogs the whole house up.

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Maybe you can get a decent tap fitting. I'd be surprised if you couldn't work something out at a plumbing store.


I've also seen these mains filters that you put on your main house supply line. But you need a plumber to install them as the fittings are jointed into the main pipe. They are two cylinders about a foot tall and 100mm diameter. You unscrew them and replace the filters every 3 months. They're just bulk filters and nowhere near as good as RO. i was there once when the guy changed the filters over, you should have seen the black and brown shit that they had collected :rolleyes:

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about he fish stuff.i have several tanks and dont use fuckall to get rid of chlorine.waste of money.best way is to put in a drum with an airstone on the bottom and give it a day or two costs nothing.i have ro and couldnt see any difference in plants so i couldnt be bothered with all the fucking about.our water is 4 cf and causes no probs.if left out it does rise due to evaporation and salts are left behind.i would use the ro if water was bad like in some cities.only use ro now for the fish which is turned on when the 3000ltr tank needs topping up every week.yes have a lot of fish.a tip for ph down is to go to big fish shops to try and get phosphoric acid .it is very strong and costs way less than diluted shit from hydro shops.1 litre goes a long way.will not transport it cause its very strong.if you get some guys just water down in 1ltr bottles.
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uhhhh... don't know what store you're going to as a hydroponic supply, but last time I checked most ph - down bottles in oz would already be phosphoric acid, the one I use is "Growth Technology" Ph-down 80% Phosphoric Acid... That's fairly strong... You can dilute it if you like, for safety and more accurate control as you add it...


And I totally agree that the chlorine thing is overrated... In a recirculating setup the chlorine will evaporate by the end of a day anyway... so no probs... And I've never really bothered with it... Oh well, whatever peeps think work best for them... and if you're really worried about it.... :rolleyes:

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@LUKE i know most ph downs are p/acid but some hydro stores only carry the piss week shit in the black bottle with printed label that you cant read after a week.the stuff from fish breeders if you can get it you will have to wear gloves and shit.but thanks for the name of the 80% stuff as this might be easier for me to get as they might send in transport.where i am there is no hydro stores but my mate often goes to grow australia and gets talked into buying shit.

also to anyone with fuckall budget with a very small setup or is out of chems lemon juice and bicarb soda will get you out of trouble only trouble is i cant remember which does which cause im not in a very thinking state at the moment.

ps where is the cheapest place to get superbud from dutch master

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