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Catnip? gets ya fucked ?


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Guest Babybear

Datura IS also very harmful an if take the wrong part of the plant would kill you , ANOTHER "drug" that little ppl know about an would be messy if ppl that knew nuffin went out to try an find it

just my 2 cents :D

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if you only ever take one piece of advice from me its to leave datura alone, its fucking evil shit.


I tried it a few times but the last time I did, i had to go for a drive and man I saw some trippy shit,

I got to a stop light and where the lights normally are it had faces, The green face was a happy face, the amber was a pissed off looking face and the red fucking wanted to kill me. It forced me to run the red light and a cop grabbed me, Another lonely night in the cells ;(


Nope like I said leave it alone.

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Getting the seeds is easy but ferenge is right. Its best left alone. If you ever do try it then make sure you do so with someone experienced. That is in no way support for trying it. I still think its nasty shit. I just don't want to see you try it out of curiosity and end up in trouble. They don't call it devil weed for nothing. People have died from using it. Now having said that I do know a lot of people who have tried it. Angels Trumpet is very easy to recognise so you don't even need to order it through a seed catalog which is perfectly legal. If you are ever going to try it then only ever use it in moderation. Too much can send you on your last trip ever. Not only is it addictive but it can give you a really bad trip and fuck you up for months. All this is fairly common knowledge among herbologists and ravers. I think the stuff seriously screws your brains up and anyone who tries it without first carefully checking what they are getting into already has shit for brains. Do a search on the net and you'll find a few stories. I prefer to stay away from hallucinogens but all drugs are interesting to learn about. Each opens up different doors in your mind.


There is another plant which I think is legal and acts in a very similar way to LSD. Has a similar name too but I can't remember it. Probably doesn't grow in oz but seed catalogs stock it. There are plenty of legal highs. Datura can make you seem crazy.

Edited by Chong
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