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Catnip? gets ya fucked ?


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At my old boarding house we had 11 manky old felines(housemothers cats-1 male and 10 females-all newted and desexed). For fun when we were stoned we would get some catnip out of the garden and rub it all over one unsuspecting pussy(usually the male). A few minutes later there would be an orgy of purring pussies all over the poor unsuspecting victim, who had no chance of making a clean getaway- :rolleyes:. very funny indeed. But there were one or two of the kitties that weren't too interested in it...
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Guest weekprik

spraying water on ya pets is a good training tool, dogs especially hate water sprayed on them, you just gotta hide when u do it. Dont let them see u.



I have smoked catnip and it did give me a kindfa buzz but it wasnt a nice one.

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ordered 450 catnip seeds for under $10US the other week, got me a few sprouts already :D


my girls cat is a freak...mental cat that will attack and eat anything that is green and from a plant :)...since she is an indoor cat the catnip should be safe-ish growing outside but what im hoping for is a mad cat orgy out the front with 100's of cats purring and froathing at the mouth :D seen it happen on discovery channel when they did a documentary on animals on drugs ;) was the funniest shit i have ever seen ::):

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Catnip is a really mild intoxicant. Good for first timers from what I hear. While stimulating to cats its traditionally been used as a sleep aide by us homo sapiens. Taken as a hot infusion, Catnip promotes sweating and is beneficial for colds, flus, fevers, and infectious childhood diseases. It is soothing to the nervous system and calming to the stomach. It aids with flatulence, diarrhea and a lot of other icky intestinal problems. Sometimes its called catmint. This can be confusing as I believe there is also a completely separate plant called catmint.


It is possible to obtain a very mild intoxication when catnip is mixed in equal parts with tobacco. The euphoria produced is reported to be significantly weaker than that of marijuana. The apparent active ingredient has not yet been identified but is assumed to be present in the plant's resin.


It is possible that catnip's effect is produced merely as a result of enhancing the intoxicating properties of the nicotine found in the tobacco. I have no idea if it enhances dope in any way. Let us know.



Edited by Chong
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early in the thread WC mentioned Kaht,


I Think he meant Khat??,

I have some seed of Khat and apparently its suppose to be a good thing, but I wouldnt know what to do with it, Is this a tree? because the seeds are pretty big.


Input by Dr Green and spurs on this matter would be awesome :D

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Guest Babybear

I have to cat nip bushes in my pots near my caravan some times i get up to 4 cats other then mine hangin around the plant , When they been around it a while they go a little weird an the look like they are havin funa n relexed I dont have any flowers left on it as they all dryed out an when that happens u gota cut them

So all flowerless atm till some more grow back

Fpr human i have smelled it an it makes me feel sick in tummy if im around it to much

Not even goin to try an bother with smoking it :D

Suposley made into tea its good for lots of illness, But i have been told by a few ppl its actuly illgal for human consumption :D

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Lots of things are illegal for consumption but legal for growing. That makes the chances of being caught minimal. They have to catch you actually in the act of consuming it. Next to impossible. A lot of people have catnip in their gardens and have absolutely no clue as to its psychotropic properties. Same with a lot of garden herbs. Datura is one of the most powerful hallucinogens and has been used in ritualistic magic for thousands of years. The Egyptians gave it to the wives and slaves of dead Pharoahs so they wouldn't kick up a fuss when buried alive with the recently departed. Witches used it to fly. Atleast, they thought they were flying. American Indians used it to commune with their totem animals. The other Indians from India would speak to spirit guides. In Haiti its used together with other drugs to turn people into zombies. No other hallucinogenic plant has been so widely used over such a length of time yet hardly anyone knows about it. The stuff grows wild all over the place. Your grandmother might have it in her garden. Even sleeping near a flowering Datura can give you really vivid nightmares.
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