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Catnip? gets ya fucked ?


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Whoever told you that is a fool. Catnips active ingredient does not have anything like the effect on humans as it does on 50% of the cat population.... (some kitties just don't give a crap about it, others would kill their mothers for some :rolleyes:)


It is active to humans, but only very slightly. Try some in a catnip tea. It's a great stress reliever. I just use 2 or 3 fresh leaves in a tea ball, along with a normal teabag as well. Infuse for a couple minutes, and then remove leaves and bag, and add milk and sugar if you want. Fantastic earthy, fresh taste. I have a lemon cultivar which is really nice too. B)

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::rolleyes:: My local hydro shop guy has shitloads of the stuff. He's actually thinking about selling it through his shop. Sort of like a cannabis for your kitty B) As Luke says, some don't give a shit, other's would kill for it. Apparently it gives cats a similar feeling to the one we get when we get high............ B)
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Oooooh it affects some kitties a loooot more than any weed would do for a human... well, maybe if you didn't choof for 6 months and then smoked some 25% pure thc strain.... he he


I've seen cats absolutely lose it on the stuff... like they were being mentally masturbated or something... ::rolleyes::


Another great one for cats is Catgrass.. Fantastic stuff, and I haven't met a cat which didn't like the stuff. It's a particular species of grass with another active chem they love, although nowhere near as potent. And it's good for their digestion too. My kitties have it daily for brekky... And it's grass too, so you couldn't kill the plant if you tried... I just keep it in a small terracotta pot and water daily in summer. Give it a trim every now and again to clean out the dead blades of grass... B)

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Guest Wilderbud
I have 4 cats and they all ignore catnip but one cat likes to eat my plant [i caught it fighting my plant last week but it hasnt eaten any since I sprayed the cat - they learn to stop doing somethings when you spray their tails while theyre doing something you dont like].
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