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new and need help on soil

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Hi all,


im new to the grow business and im still setting up. I want to know what the best soil/medium we can get here in australia? A mate told me canna coco but i would rather hear it from you guys that have been doing this for a while... something that is correct or close to correct pH would be awesome... all i want to grow is simple auto's. nothing to hard. Please help me out guys, cheers

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Hi all,


im new to the grow business and im still setting up. I want to know what the best soil/medium we can get here in australia? A mate told me canna coco but i would rather hear it from you guys that have been doing this for a while... something that is correct or close to correct pH would be awesome... all i want to grow is simple auto's. nothing to hard. Please help me out guys, cheers

Yeah sure some ppl swear by coco. Me, I use perlite with a 4in layer clay of balls in the base in a recirc system. Once you have washed the perlite and balls and flush regularly the pH is fairly stable and being recirc you save on water use. I was using a soil/potting soil mix but had nothing but problems. For me and my system perlite works well.



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Hi silant assassin (sa) & welcome to OS :applause: .


silant assassin ...... I want to know what the best soil/medium we can get here in australia? A mate told me canna coco but i

would rather hear it from you guys that have been doing this for a while...



Your mate knew 'one of the best mediums ', but ultimately it's up to u to find your own 'style' - (indoors v's outdoors, hydro-style (mediumless) trough on a continuium to atrificial v's organic (dirt/compost/coco ) and a lot that determins what works for your final 'ultimate grow 'method' comes many grows after your 1st grow (many moons).


Why don't you learn a bit more yourself so you can show up your mate ! :thumbsup:

There is no gain without pain or loss of time so get started searchin and learning. As a final note don't look at this as a "business", but more as a hobbie ! Be warned "It will organically consume you". :lol:


This is your ultimate resource on @ OS.


Grow well silant assaaain



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??anyone please..... is canna coco good to simply plant the seed (after germinating) and feed it and thats it? what pH should the soil/medium be around?

I emailed a hydro store somewhere in NSW and they said canna coco is pH balanced and certified by some company... so what u all think? good enough? and the coco works fine in cabinet setup?

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Hey SA,

The question you've asked can be answered in so many different ways.. Canna coco is a brand of coco, you may prefer another brand for instance, or you might use another medium like clayballs (hydroton) or perlite or a number of other mediums that are available for growers, and then this will lead to what type of watering/feeding system you are going to use.. so best place to start is at school ;)

Off to school you go... Your questions can be answered here http://www.cannaversity.com/index.php :D




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I use house & garden coco and their nutes specifically for coco. You must use coco specific nutes in coco. I love to grow in coco. I use H&G coco straight from the bag. Its very stable. I would also recommend canna aswell. You can't go wrong in coco.


Confused yet????? Everyone will give you a different answer.

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Hi all,


im new to the grow business and im still setting up. I want to know what the best soil/medium we can get here in australia? A mate told me canna coco but i would rather hear it from you guys that have been doing this for a while... something that is correct or close to correct pH would be awesome... all i want to grow is simple auto's. nothing to hard. Please help me out guys, cheers




I've not grown cannabis yet BUT have been Veggie gardening for 25yrs. what i would recommend is be holistic about the the process yes pH is very important for nutrient uptake but there are other things that can bring you down big time like poor drainage, over or under watering and nutrient management.


Also pH can change due to many factors such as aeration and the fertilizers used.


I recommend getting a basic kit of tools like pH tester or even a moisture meter (heaps of others with hydroponics!!) just so to help you get so feedback to learn.


Also i recommend reading broadly not just specifically cannabis growing , look at vegetable growing books, pick a veg that can be your training run ....something like broad beans.


i have an excellent bullshit free book call "Gardening when it counts" in electronic format. you are welcome to a copy so just pm me if you are interested. 34mb may not email but we can come up with another method.


good luck



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