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My clones need help.

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Hi all,

My clones need a little help, They are 7 days old.

Yesterday i noticed one of the clones tips has turned yellow/brown and died, Today i've noticed a few others tips are starting to go yellow, The tips on others are curling up. Could anyone be of help here to what could be causing this?.

Thanks heaps, Much appreciated.

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I'm using 2x2ft flouro's at 4-6 inches above tops.

I did put a small amount of miracle-gro in the misting water, Wrong move i guess.

I've got them in rockwool cubes which are sitting in a couple mm's of water.

So, I should remove the water they are sitting in and use plain water for misting?.


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ok the floros your using should be just fine where they are at however let me tell you from expierence you do not want to use miracle gro at any stage it has a tendency to kill the plants and fast what you want to do with clones is get you some rooting gel (works so much easier then powders) then get you some nice rooting solution most hydroponics mixtures will have levels set for cloning and seedlings which ive found to be beautiful using general hydroponics three part mix i dip the clones in the cloning gel the minute i cut them from the plant then immediately stick them stem to bottom of their new rockwool pad drop that into a mild mix of the hydro solution and give it 9 days i still hold a 100% success rate at cloning ive never lost one using this method and the clones turn out to make quite plump trees in no time at all
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hey paranoid,

Was the mother plant flushed for nutes before cloning? Any harder to clone strains, I flush the nutes back for two weeks before clone. Clone as usual only water till you see roots. Only other problem i sometimes run into is if the clones are loose in the rockwool. Check tiggers to tall to flower thread for a few more ideas. If you have the space in your veg room try cloning in there even. Alot less stunt from hid to fluro to hid. (400 needs to be about 3-4 feet above clone dome. Use paper or towels under dome instead of heat mat, just not on a cold floor.

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The mum was flushed well.

I think i found the problem, I pulled one that was nearly dead, It was starting to get all these little bumps about a 1/2 an inch above the cut, The rest below was all soft and soggy, I think it was pushed to far in and came through the hole at the bottom.

They are at day 14 with no signs of roots so i guess they were to wet and loose in the cubes.

How could one get a tight fit in the cubes?, I make the hole a bit bigger than the cut so the rooting hormone doesn't get scraped off, But after i put the cutting in how do i fill the gap to make a tight fit?, Would it be easier to clone in something else like perlite or vermiulite?.


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