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National Stroke awareness week


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20 % of cunts who have strokes are in their prime...fit cunts and shit...thatd be fucked man..your face droops down and shit.....sometimes I reckon your better off being unemployed and pulling cone than having a job and being a mega fitness freak and shit.

My next door neighbour cut his hand off with a circular saw at work...what a dumb cunt...suk shit to the cunt...he kind of had it coming to him cause he used to hunt and stuff bears and shit ..he had mooses heads and shit on his wall...

I heard about this dude who pulled cones and sat on a beanbag and got pins and needles and never regained feeling in his leg..thatd be fucked too...pins and needles is some serious shit man...sometimes when your ripped you forget about the posture /position your sitting in and you get them and shit...








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20 % of cunts who have strokes are in their prime...fit cunts and shit...thatd be fucked man..your face droops down and shit.....

Best thing to do is smoke cannabis immediately, everyone should have an emergency joint so that bystanders could break it out in an emergency like this, or after serious head trauma.


I have nightmares about having a stroke and being unable to explain or point to my vaporiser, I remember reading that cannabis improves recovery significantly the quicker it is applied.

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I met this guy near the Phillipines who did relflexology massage therapy with stroke victims. He got amazing results. He said it was an attack of the brain and that caused blockages. He used the massage to unblock the brain. He was quite well known for it. I'm getting shipped over to him if I ever blow the major brain valve.
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