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New to soil...

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I'm new to this site, hi.


I have previously dabbled (not particularly successfully) with growing before moving to Oz, and was using a hydroponic setup in a wardrobe.


I'm now keen to try an outdoor grow, say in a pot on the balcony of my top floor apartment, and am after some advice from people that have used the same kind of setup(s) that I am thinking about. How can I avoid detection? How do I cover my ass when the landlord rocks up to check the apartment? What is a good soil to use? These are the kinds of questions that I have...


I'm also considering using a grow tent indoors for over the winter, but also as another option for if/when the pot gets too stinky outdoors. I'm only interested in growing one plant at a time, so would be looking for a very small tent.


I've had a quick look at the Cannaversity, and through the pages on these forums, and I'd really appreciate your thoughts, help and advice.



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Mate all those questions are answered in Cannaversity. Go back and have another read. If you do a balcony grow and you haven't got seeds yet, then try some auto flowering strains. They don't get to tall and are relatively easy to hide. Just have a look around your balcony, then put yourself on the opposite side looking into your balcony. Should get a good idea of who and where the plants can be seen from.:thumbsup:
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G'day Mr Nice.


Try a Rose potting mix, premium quality, and the biggest container you can get on your balcony. Big pot =more root mass=more heads, simple math really. Most land lords are a pain in the arse but sadly it's a fact of life we have to deal with. Luckily mine is a very cool woman and I've been here nearly 4 years. One of the autuo flower or an small growing Indica, check out Amnesia seeds for the strain to suit your application. Which way does the balcony face? If it faces North or North East you are half way to a bumper Summer crop. Any other questions, you can PM me. Have a good grow.:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Just had another thought, if I do decide to go with a small tent, say 1x1x2m, would a 250w bulb be sufficient? I guess anything more than that would fry the little babies...


Edit: Actually, on that note - what size fan and carbon filter should I use? I know bigger is [generally] always best, but I want to be sure that it will all fit inside the tent ;)



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buy a couple pots with bamboo n repot em in them long window pots n just grow that stuff along the front of your veranda works good . n you could start one off august veg for 2 months n put iot in cupboard for 12 / 12 early afternoon then put out dureing day then start another you get 2 crops in one summer maybe 3 bongon.gif


go to a nusrie n ask for best potty mix they have / small bag compost / perlite / bitta lime if you want. i use cocco fibre an layer thast up the pot like 1 cm on bottem for drainage then the mixed soil 1 inch 1 cm covcco fibre all the way up to top , keeps the soil loose n soft for fast root growth it helps anyway , n just give it some fish emolshion once a week

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