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Cannabis In The Media?

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Instance of cannabis being misrepresented as being something that violent mafakas get up to...






Want some more? Here, take it:




Bloke pissed as a mute and beaming off his face on eccies goes on a rampage...

Still mentions cannabis as a potential cause for the incident.






I did manage to find a Judge who thinks Alcohol is more to blame then Drugs for Violent Behaviour. :thumbsup: :applause: :applause: :applause: :thumbsup:


Edited by STONEDAJ69
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oh man, I love this. In both cases, they were drunk when they actually committed the offenses, and yet they just throw in the cannabis thing. Thank you, this is exactly the kind of stuff I need.


Every time I see stuff like this, I think of the comedian Bill Hicks, when he's talking about drunk fighting versus stoned fighting.


"Ever seen two high people fight? It goes like this.

'Hey buddy!'

'Hey what?'




lol, thank you for these articles. You people are much more helpful than Google Scholar :P

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Interestingly, the most recent Aussie anti-marijuana campaign "You Don't Know What It Will Do To You" almost admits that they don't understand marijuana, and yet still stigmatises it.



Don't forget the racially targeted slogans like "gunga, it's not part of our culture" Stigmatising cannabis with a good ol' bit of healthy racism. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


Little surprise it's from the NCPIC. Big on "Moral Panic", little on truthful and factual information on cannabis. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


It's the same aproach used by Anslinger when he used Marijuana, the Mexican word for cannabis instead of its real name. Anslinger could easily have used the same slogan :"Marijuana, it's not part of our culture" or in other words, "Marijuana, it's a dirty Mexican culture not for good wholesome white folk" :bleh:


Magic mushrooms, Datura, DMT, native tobaccos and other drugs (including cannabis) were used by Aboriginal people previous to European arrival. It must be fine to use them because they are were part of aboriginal culture by that logic? :wallbash:



Peace MongyMan

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Thank you very much to everyone who has helped me with this report: you're all legends!


For those that are interested, I have conclusively proven that (surprise surprise) the controversy surrounding marijuana is actually based on moral panic rather than a genuine health crisis.


Lets see if my professor agrees lol

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ive noticed a lot of tv news is saying that marijuana is addictive, i believe this to be scare mongering, putting out a negative spin on a drug, that is not addictive,


this is just bad journalism and false publicity, for a substance that has many good points and uses in the field of mediciene, ive never heard any bad storys on the news about any


person effected by marijuana, its alcohol and cigerettes, are the biggest problems facing our society. more people die every year in accidents involving alcohol and more people die of smoking related causees.


so lets ban nicotine..its a dangerous and very addictive drug..


just ask the people addicted to it..


i vaporize my weed, its healthy, and poses no risk to the health of the people around me, i havent even thought about it today, ask a smoker if they can go a day with out thinking about

putting smoke into their lungs, i think not...


i hope you manage to put a end to this false propagander about marijuana..


many thanks for reading this post.


Hi :) I'm new to this community, so I apologise if I'm not following correct posing conduct :D


I'm a university student writing a research report on "Marijuana as a Moral Panic". Basically, that means I'm examining how weed is portrayed in the media, and then examining the actual facts and deciding whether the controversy surrounding weed is really about health risks or moral ones.


I was wondering if any of you have seen any media articles which portray weed in a largely negative light. This may include use of negative stereotypes, misleading information to make weed seem worse than it is, or predicting disastrous outcomes. Particularly useful would be ones where weed has just been thrown in as a fact to a completely unrelated incident, in order to associate it with negativity.


So far, the only government campaign has been the 'Marijuana: You don't know what it'll do to you", but if anyone can think of any other ones those would be very helpful too.


Thanks very much


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Osama had weed? Really?

Wow. Thank you for that, thats a really good example :)


(its that kind of child logic that annoys me: you could use the same argument to say that chairs or televisions are bad because Osama had them! lol)


I think they were saying that Osama was not only an even bigger fiend because he was a marijuana-crazed fiend, but also that he was a hypocrite (about the worst religious insult to a Wahabbist) because fundamental Islam banned all such contaminants of Allah's creation.


When I read that, what cracked me up was:


"CNN's Nic Robertson showed to the camera the marijuana hidden alongside other crops including cabbages and potatoes."


Yeah, whenever I want to do some guerilla gardening, I always hide my crop among potatoes and cabbages! You should see my scrog.


I can see the founts of wisdom out there saying "Well, if bin Laden had just said no to drugs, he'd be a well-adjusted construction tycoon today."


Cheers from the heartland of Adelaide's northern suburbs Ozkat.

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