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Cannabis In The Media?

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Hi :) I'm new to this community, so I apologise if I'm not following correct posing conduct :D


I'm a university student writing a research report on "Marijuana as a Moral Panic". Basically, that means I'm examining how weed is portrayed in the media, and then examining the actual facts and deciding whether the controversy surrounding weed is really about health risks or moral ones.


I was wondering if any of you have seen any media articles which portray weed in a largely negative light. This may include use of negative stereotypes, misleading information to make weed seem worse than it is, or predicting disastrous outcomes. Particularly useful would be ones where weed has just been thrown in as a fact to a completely unrelated incident, in order to associate it with negativity.


So far, the only government campaign has been the 'Marijuana: You don't know what it'll do to you", but if anyone can think of any other ones those would be very helpful too.


Thanks very much


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Hi kate, welcome to OZ Stoners. Have a bit of a look around and you will find plenty of threads where cannabis and media has been discussed. Lots of info out there.....


I am all too aware of the media's negativity towards cannabis and the way they portray it and us. I hate the media as they cash in on lies and the unfortunate. Its very sad. I can't really think of any media campaigns against it, though I think I have heard one or two in the past. I did hear an anti-ecstasy add running yesterday on the radio. I don't know what the drive is behind the media sluring cannabis and its users. Well I think I do..... It sells stories, they don't care if anything is right or wrong. I believe the drive behind the government is money too..... I think they will make more money off prohibition than legalizing and taxing it... Also they don't want people sitting around and thinking. The more distractions we have the better its is for them, they get away with more and control us easier. They would hate for our minds to expand. I know I got a bit off topic. Anyway the media will always appeal to the sheep and they keep the industry going so ofcourse the media will go with what they want to hear. Don't bite the hand that feeds you...

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Hi Kate.


At the moment in this country the psychosis/schizophrenia seems to be the current negative trend which is run with quite hard, even though it is partly anecdotal, partly predisposition and the risk is in a very small percentage.


Google news is always your friend as well :)



Edited by Psychonaut
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How about Osama having pot plants - for your "trying to slur in media" section


And you're damn right they don't want us thinking... I find it funny they're handing out Free Digital Top Boxes - When necessary home Items such as fridges cost the earth... "Yeah, take an idiot box, but something you really NEED? Crack your wallet, briz."

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lol, yeah... They killed him for his plants and then LEFT THE PLANTS THERE... Makes a lot of sense, detective Dipshit.


If you'd like to watch someone get killed for pot (literally) in America (land of the free my ass) https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/34812-aj-has-gotten-mad/page__view__getnewpost

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Have you seen the "Questions to the NCPIC" thread Ozkat?


It shows clearly that the NCPIC (a government funded anti-cannabis organisation) can't back the claims they make about the 'evils' of cannabis in the media.


They play a big role in promoting anti-cannabis media in Australia but their 'information' in reality is just misinformation and blatant propaganda aimed at creating "Moral Panic" exactly what you are researching Some of the information they publish is simply made up by them based on zero fact or evidence at all. (their claim Australian cannabis has increased in THC levels for 1 example)


The Australian people don't need lies and misinformation passed off as facts. We deserve and demand the truth be told about cannabis, both positives and negatives,


The NCPIC should be ashamed of the anti-cannabis propaganda they peddle :thumbdown: :thumbdown:




Peace MongyMan

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How about Osama having pot plants - for your "trying to slur in media" section


And you're damn right they don't want us thinking... I find it funny they're handing out Free Digital Top Boxes - When necessary home Items such as fridges cost the earth... "Yeah, take an idiot box, but something you really NEED? Crack your wallet, briz."


Osama had weed? Really?

Wow. Thank you for that, thats a really good example :)


(its that kind of child logic that annoys me: you could use the same argument to say that chairs or televisions are bad because Osama had them! lol)

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lol, yeah... They killed him for his plants and then LEFT THE PLANTS THERE... Makes a lot of sense, detective Dipshit.


If you'd like to watch someone get killed for pot (literally) in America (land of the free my ass) https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/34812-aj-has-gotten-mad/page__view__getnewpost


How did I miss this? Thank you so much (in Adelaide too! Dang I live there!)


Am using this in my report for sure! Thank you!

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Hi! :) thank you everyone, for all being so nice and helpful! I have some really good examples from this thread, and the Oz Stoners community in general has some good news stories floating around :)


So far, what I've learned is that in the past, the emphasis has been on health problems, but because a lot of those claims are now in dispute (and probably false) there is more of an emphasis on social aspects by linking weed with negative images: crime, terrorism and 'undesirable' stereotypes.


Words like "pothead" and "stoner" are used freely in the media to try and encourage stigma.


Interestingly, the most recent Aussie anti-marijuana campaign "You Don't Know What It Will Do To You" almost admits that they don't understand marijuana, and yet still stigmatises it.


So yeah, thats what I have so far :D thank you to everyone who has helped me!

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