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Motivations for drug and alcohol use and mindful and non-mindful exerc

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Orright, I'll fill out yer thingy...


Hang on a tic... I got about halfway down the first page before I realised I was seeing essentially the same questions worded differently... Whats up with that?

Thanks for having a go at it :thumbsup::) The questions are from already established scales, each scale is measuring a number of different but related constructs, to get an accurate measure of each construct there needs to be a number of questions related to that construct and then an average is worked out from the answers to all the relevant questions. This is a more reliable way of measuring than just having one question for each construct. Also the questions aren't asking exactly the same thing, some people interpret different questions differently, so what you may interpret as the same question worded differently, someone else might see a difference and answer each question differently, again giving more reliable results :)

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I don't smoke as often as I would like to. But I find I go on walks more often when I'm high.


The survey seemed unspecific, it could be bias to a persons habits that have nothing to do with drugs. However I think the survey is good nonetheless.

Thanks for filling it out :thumbsup: The first couple of sets of questions are meant to be in relation to you just generally, regardless of drug use or exercise behaviour, the second lot of questions are specific to drug use and/or exercise (what you use, your form of exercise engaged in most). Statistical analysis will show if there are any significant differences in answers to the first lot of questions between the different categories worked out based on the second lot of questions - marijuana user, alcohol drinker, mindful or non mindful exerciser, all, or none of the above or somewhere in between. This is why I need a number of participants in all categories, a decent sample size lends itself to more accurate results and reduces the impact of any biases :)

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