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Motivations for drug and alcohol use and mindful and non-mindful exerc

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Hi Molly


,I am a university student doing my honours degree in psychology at The University of New England in Armidale NSW.


I am looking for participants for my research project...........



All the best in your endevours Molly - this is a good place to ask for 'participants' and access real drunken smoking stoners. I'm not one thou ! well , one part the - ''drunken part anymore at least"


Your title of your thesis being "‘Motivations for Drug and Alcohol Use and Mindful and Non Mindful Exercise: Intrinsic Motivation and Basic Need Satisfaction’. I am needing participants to fill out an online, anonymous survey on different measures of well being and motivations for exercise and/or drug use behaviour" has "Basic Need Satisfaction" from which I'm deducing that your aproach has a 'Maslowian' foundation (ie. needs sauch as saftey, food, shelter, esteem and the like that end up in self-actualizatrion).


I'd imagine that there are several differences in how people percieve and approach this paridigme (Maslow's) philosophically - like the belief in the existance of natural human instincts like the 'drive for survival ', and how this paridigme is 'short' on explaining that which we are all 'consious' of - 'thinking processes'.


Given that alcahol and marijuana are 'mind altering' or 'conciousness altering' how do you attempt to explain in your rationale these obiouse 'proceses' at work especially any thought, or 'decission making' of the free-indsividual ?


I must admit that Maslows theory is very pertinant when appllied to the field of therapeutic social outcomes - treating homelesnes, abuse, neglect and advocationg for social justiuce.


Molly, didn't your supervior try toreason/advise you to limit the thesis to "Drug Use (alcohol and manarijuanah), intrinsic motivation v's extrinsic motivation and need satisfaction".


I was told once that it may be best to settle on one or two Independant variables (desaignated X's) that can be manipulated and tesated against a dependabt variable (dresaignated Y) .


Your 'hounors degree thesis' sounds more like a 'post-graduate doctrorial thesis' or book - a bit late now to change.

Good luck Molly achieving 'participant critical mass'.



Nitty. - (B.Psy (hons), Dip. Community Development) - educated non drinking stoner, grower & medical canna user - lol -:bong:

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Hi Molly




All the best in your endevours Molly - this is a good place to ask for 'participants' and access real drunken smoking stoners. I'm not one thou ! well , one part the - ''drunken part anymore at least"


Your title of your thesis being "‘Motivations for Drug and Alcohol Use and Mindful and Non Mindful Exercise: Intrinsic Motivation and Basic Need Satisfaction’. I am needing participants to fill out an online, anonymous survey on different measures of well being and motivations for exercise and/or drug use behaviour" has "Basic Need Satisfaction" from which I'm deducing that your aproach has a 'Maslowian' foundation (ie. needs sauch as saftey, food, shelter, esteem and the like that end up in self-actualizatrion).


I'd imagine that there are several differences in how people percieve and approach this paridigme (Maslow's) philosophically - like the belief in the existance of natural human instincts like the 'drive for survival ', and how this paridigme is 'short' on explaining that which we are all 'consious' of - 'thinking processes'.


Given that alcahol and marijuana are 'mind altering' or 'conciousness altering' how do you attempt to explain in your rationale these obiouse 'proceses' at work especially any thought, or 'decission making' of the free-indsividual ?


I must admit that Maslows theory is very pertinant when appllied to the field of therapeutic social outcomes - treating homelesnes, abuse, neglect and advocationg for social justiuce.


Molly, didn't your supervior try toreason/advise you to limit the thesis to "Drug Use (alcohol and manarijuanah), intrinsic motivation v's extrinsic motivation and need satisfaction".


I was told once that it may be best to settle on one or two Independant variables (desaignated X's) that can be manipulated and tesated against a dependabt variable (dresaignated Y) .


Your 'hounors degree thesis' sounds more like a 'post-graduate doctrorial thesis' or book - a bit late now to change.

Good luck Molly achieving 'participant critical mass'.



Nitty. - (B.Psy (hons), Dip. Community Development) - educated non drinking stoner, grower & medical canna user - lol -:bong:


Hi Nitty,


Actually the basic needs I'm looking at are based on Ryan and Deci's Self-Determination theory (SDT), don't want to say too much about it here as I don't want to influence any answers by giving away too much, but that's what I'm looking at, not Maslow's hierarchy. It's funny you say that about being too complicated, I did wonder and queried my supervisor on it but he didn't seem to think it was. Oh well, like you said too late to change now, I'll just have to see how it works out :)

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The motivations for drug use are as complex as the neurochemistry of the brain itself and cannot be expressed or quantified in a precise way. A persons reasons for doing drugs may be as unique as their own individuality. Also as a pot smoker I get a bit griped at being grouped in with alcoholics.


I smoke weed to alleviate the monotonous passage of time in an environment which is imperfect. I medicate myself against boredom and the dull monotony of living a financially disadvantaged lifestyle. It does not dis-empower me to change, hopefully in good time I will be in a different position but at the moment weed is very good to medicate against the dreary pain of existence, it also spins me out man, and gives me the munchies.

Edited by cybergenesis
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The motivations for drug use are as complex as the neurochemistry of the brain itself and cannot be expressed or quantified in a precise way. A persons reasons for doing drugs may be as unique as their own individuality. Also as a pot smoker I get a bit griped at being grouped in with alcoholics.


I smoke weed to alleviate the monotonous passage of time in an environment which is imperfect. I medicate myself against boredom and the dull monotony of living a financially disadvantaged lifestyle. It does not dis-empower me to change, hopefully in good time I will be in a different position but at the moment weed is very good to medicate against the dreary pain of existence, it also spins me out man, and gives me the munchies.


Hi cybergenesis, it's true there are many and varied reasons for why people use drugs, but there are also a lot of similar ones, the reason you have given for instance is a very common one. The point of the research is to get at the different reasons, and also the similar ones. If you could fill out the survey it would help out a lot, there are standard options you are asked to rate as being reasons for use but there is also room to add any reasons not included in any of the questions, so no one is bound by only what the established scales give as options. Also, there's no lumping in with alcoholics, believe me, I know there's a big difference and the differences are part of what I'm looking at.


Cheers :)


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