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Motivations for drug and alcohol use and mindful and non-mindful exerc

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Hi everyone,


I am a university student doing my honours degree in psychology at The University of New England in Armidale NSW. I am looking for participants for my research project titled ‘Motivations for Drug and Alcohol Use and Mindful and Non Mindful Exercise: Intrinsic Motivation and Basic Need Satisfaction’. I am needing participants to fill out an online, anonymous survey on different measures of well being and motivations for exercise and/or drug use behaviour, you do not have to be engaged in drug use or exercise to participate but I am especially in need of more people who use drugs and/or alcohol but who do not have a regular exercise routine. The research has ethics approval from the University of New England Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval number HE11/049 valid to 30/3/12. If you yourself or anyone you know might be interested in filling out my survey it would be greatly appreciated if you could do so and pass this message and link on. Please follow the link below where you will find more information on the research and be given the opportunity to continue on to the survey. If you have any questions regarding the research please feel free to contact me mmagahy@une.edu.au or 02 6689 1204 or my supervisor Dr. Ian Price iprice@une.edu.au.





Molly Magahy


I have also created a facebook event to make it easier for people to share the survey with facebook friends. All you have to do is RSVP as attending and then invite your friends to the event. Thanks everyone :) http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=161940750534437

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Im a lazy ass stoner who drinks to much and doesnt believe in running unless im being chased ( so i dont exersise for shit ) but my belife is that if ya wana know ther real effects ya better off shouting me a day at the pub and a quater.......ill show ya what to much beer weed n no exersise is all about :)


And on a side note im fecked up in the head aswell so i might be usefull lol

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on my mums side of the family they all have drinking problems.. just when they have had a drink.. not even too much.. its just when theyve had a drink.. they become aggresive abusive loud .. my uncle would fight anyone bigger then him after a drink.. he would get knocked out nearly every friday, saterday and sunday arvo.. i can just remember waking up at 1-4am hearing BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.. opening the door some guy falling on the floor drenched in blood.. we ended up just filling a bath up at 12am then after he rocks up just dump him in there and go back to bed..


i dont think i have it but i have been arrested, bashed, robbed, setup .. slept on the wrong train to middle of nowhere... i mean i picked marijuana over alcohol by default.. i was lucky enough to come across it young after i tried pot the urge for alcohol never came back.

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People who use drugs but do exercise do not fit the criteria? Or you just figured this would be a good place to find non exercising drug users? :D


Filled it out although as someone who has nervous system and cognitive dysfunction due to health issues I can not guarantee how reliable the answers are.


Why does it appear that so many question repeat themselves but are just presented differently?

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Hey Molly,

Why do people always want to do a study on stoners and the effects of their drug of choice on something? Why don't you do a self-study? Try it and see for yourself..

There's a good reason why a lot of smokers don't exercise as much as they probably should and that is due to the chronic pain they suffer every minute of every day, so they use cannabis for medication..But the point is, they wouldn't be moving at all without it.. Why don't you do a study showing the effects of legal pharma and how it affects people and their health regime.. Hey why not do a side by side study? Then your survey may have some authenticity..

BTW Major smoker for over 30 years and average approxiamtely 10k min walking everyday.. No physical health issues other than headaches fom non-smoking survey pushers



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Hey Molly,

Why do people always want to do a study on stoners and the effects of their drug of choice on something? Why don't you do a self-study? Try it and see for yourself..

There's a good reason why a lot of smokers don't exercise as much as they probably should and that is due to the chronic pain they suffer every minute of every day, so they use cannabis for medication..But the point is, they wouldn't be moving at all without it.. Why don't you do a study showing the effects of legal pharma and how it affects people and their health regime.. Hey why not do a side by side study? Then your survey may have some authenticity..

BTW Major smoker for over 30 years and average approxiamtely 10k min walking everyday.. No physical health issues other than headaches fom non-smoking survey pushers



Hey Dani,


I have tried it, smoked a lot for quite some time, just don't really anymore, not saying I never will again, just prefer natural highs these days. Sooo, yes I know what it's like, the good side and the bad. And for the record, I am all for it's legalisation and do believe it is a better alternative than a lot of pharmaceutical options, would definitely be my choice for chronic pain and/or nausea. You seem to have gotten the idea that I am assuming everyone who smokes has health problems or don't exercise, that's not the case at all, in fact the reason I'm needing more people who smoke and don't exercise is because I have so many responses from people who do both and I need a decent sample of people who don't in order to get valid comparisons. Also I'm not looking at how drug use affects health regimes, I'm looking at motivations for use and mindfulness levels of people in different categories of use. Your suggestion is a good one for a study, it's just completely different from what I'm doing, not an alteration that would give mine authenticity as you say, as it has a completely different basis.




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People who use drugs but do exercise do not fit the criteria? Or you just figured this would be a good place to find non exercising drug users? :D


Filled it out although as someone who has nervous system and cognitive dysfunction due to health issues I can not guarantee how reliable the answers are.


Why does it appear that so many question repeat themselves but are just presented differently?

No, everyone fits the criteria, I just in need of more people in that category as it seems so many people actually exercise and do drugs from the responses I've gotten so far. Also As long as you answered it honestly, the answers are relaible, thanks Psychonaut :)

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