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Home & Garden

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Hi Everyone :bongon:


Been looking in to all the diffrent nutes :blink: and home & garden has been standing out but i was wondering what people that have used it think,


If thats what i get im going to go the whole way and get everything. But as you know it's in the $450-$550 range.


Is it worth spending the money this grow is taking me a while to get started cause i want to make sure i get good stuff first time not fuck round with cheap shit.


Thanks any and all halp greatley appreciated. :bongon:

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Hey Wheatus =) , Yeah House and Garden is good shit. Would also recommend Canna, Nutrifield,Dutchmaster Gold and a few others aren't bad either.

House and Garden is expensive because of the additives ya need but they are chelated nutes with very low dosage rates, so they last a fair while.

Some nutes use 10-15ml per litre of water, the most ya use of H&G is 3ml/L. work that out over a whole grow and it is really not that bad.

I have diaries in the Grow diaries section, I've only used H&G while I have been growing on OS inside, if you wanna see the results.

Or there's this bud , Pinapple Chunk , just started week 3 of flowering, on H&G. post-38794-0-73926800-1307009624_thumb.jpg

Peace. Gh72

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Heya Wheatus =) , yeah my current grow is in 420 so you wont be able to look at that , but the older ones I did were OK, just disregard the one I tried to do in the summer and the Fungas Gnats got me. lol . My worst grow of all time........bit embarassing actually =( . live and learn. Peace. gh72


Yea thanks gh just finished reading one of your older ones :thumbsup:

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