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Dutch tourist ban for cannabis 'coffee shops' to begin this ye

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The Dutch government on Friday said it would start banning tourists from buying cannabis from "coffee shops" and impose restrictions on Dutch customers by the end of the year.


The Netherlands is well known for having one of Europe's most liberal soft drug policies that has made its cannabis shops a popular tourist attraction, particularly in Amsterdam.


Backed by the far-right party of anti-immigrant politician Geert Wilders, the coalition government that came into power last year announced plans to curb drug tourism as mart of a nationwide programme to promote health and fight crime.

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"In order to tackle the nuisance and criminality associated with coffee shops and drug trafficking, the open-door policy of coffee shops will end," the Dutch health and justice ministers wrote in a letter to the country's parliament on Friday.


Under the new rules, only Dutch residents will be able to sign up as members of cannabis shops.


Dutch customers will have to sign up for at least a year's membership and each shop would be expected to have only up to 1500 members, a justice ministry spokesman said.


The policy will roll out in the southern provinces of Limburg, Noord Brabant and Zeeland by the end of the year and the rest of the country next year, the spokesman said.


Amsterdam, home to about 220 coffee shops, is already in the process of closing some in its red light district. Some officials have resisted the measures, saying they will push the soft drug trade underground.


Some Dutch border towns including Maastricht and Terneuzen have already restricted the sale of marijuana to foreigners.


Source: Brisbane Times

Copyright: Copyright © 2011 Fairfax Media

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I can't remember where I read it, or maybe I watched it in a documentary, but I believe there was a loophole being exploited which may have lead to the latest law changes.


Not too long ago, someone from Amsterdam, who had a legal medical marijuana license, traveled to the UK and they took a suitcase full of medication. It ended up being seized and this person fought the case in the UK - and they won.


Because of this, UK citizens were going to Amsterdam to get doctors approval for cannabis so they could use it back at home.


Nonetheless, I think the new laws will cripple Amsterdam's tourist economy.

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I don't think they can do this! I have a god given right to visit Amsterdam and get high in a coffee shop, Even if i never get there they should still be waiting for me with a big legal joint.


I don't think Julia Gillard will be very happy to hear this...


Seriously though, They must make gazillions of tourist dollars from coffee shops. Why else would you visit? lol

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Why would you visit Amsterdam? I was planning to go early next year. To go the Rijksmuseum, to see some of the greatest art in the world. The Dutch were the center of the Universe in the 17th century and their prosperous culture made the greatest art in all history. I also intend to get very fuckin' stoned when I go next year as well despite what that old Dutch facist says. Please go and check just this one tiny morsel I offer in this link to see just what makes so stoked.reallyexcited.gif


Edited by Augustus Gloomp
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Geert , kom op kliene kip. Jou ist eine flikker jungertje. Rot op!

So much for me trip to tye dam next year, oh well, hear portugal are pretty liberal these days. That idiot just killed amsterdams tourist trade.

There is a lot more to see in Holland than just coffee shops, sad days when a alwaylways very liberal society has to do this but tyere are reasons , if you ever been in masstricht and seen the flood of drug tourists crossing the border just to buy wiet, you would understand why these laws got passed, still doesnt make it right though. Peace. Gh72

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The Dutch government is now run by economic retards. When they see their tourism industry crumble they'll bring back coffee shops. Honestly most people find that the only reason to go to Holland. Also, Holland would start losing it's renowned status as the cannabis capital of the world if another country was to completely legalize it.
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