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Nutrifield Nutrients & NF Coco Bags

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Hey Hort420;


I've been using nutrifield for a while now, I got some free samples, as well as H&G samples.


Over a number of grows I ended up sticking with the NF products, mainly due to the fact they are so much cheaper.  I had better yields on the 'full range' of NF products over the 'full' H&G range, and better yields again when I went KISS and dropped all the NF additives and went just plain old NF coco A&B,  canna pk 13/14 & H&G Bud XL, all used as per bottle instructions and feed chart timings (well I actually run the pk early and finish late) but otherwise as per instructions.  Last grow I yielded 10oz to a 400w in 600x900 space (1.66 oz per sq ft) - I know I can get more, and hence a change of genetics recently.  I admit I'm always scouting around to see what people think and in the past always used canna coco a&b, and sometime would like to try a side-by-side, this is hard however when you only grow 1 plant at a time!  This time around I have used some  of the NF additives as I had them lying around, when I run out, if yields drop off then I'll start using them again...  might switch back to canna sometime... to be honest i think the trick is to keep it simple, use what works and not 'full lines', I think H&G, canna, nf are all great nutes mixed with the right additives all produce a similar result.

Edited by JackInAbox
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I use NF coco and the Nutrients, I am extremely happy with them. If you look up hydronerds on youtube they do a test between NF coco and another reptubable brand, Its good stuff.

I use the NF additive Alaska Pure which is also an awesome product. I still use Canna PK 13-14 and a few other things in my program.

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I'm still a novice but have only used Nutrifield coco-both the blocks and the bags.  this grow I started adding a few NF additives-alaska Pure, ocean mist, cargo boost and fulife in various combos and a few times the full regime.  I think the KISS way mikght improve on what I've done, but prolly mostly cos of inexperience.  I think this coming grow will see me a little more discerning in the use of additives-oh, still used the canna pk and the last grow's base nutes were canna a + B.  This grow wiill use NF coco a + b for the first time. as well as the additives with discretion (read when I think they need em lol )


I would like to purchase some bud xl and shooting powder stuff from HG though-they come very highly recommended :D

Oh-the blocks are a bit of a job but hey :unknw: 


Vaya con Dios. v :sun:

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Hi guys,
Sorry for the NF thread resurrection, but Im wondering if anybody else has had any further experience with the NF range?

Ive been looking into them quite a bit and finding that the Coco AB is doing better than my Canna coco AB when it comes to "base nute growing"

I picked up some samples of the additive range and frankly they are all pretty smelly except for the "cargo".... most of the additives are brown and smell like seaweed or fish. I am a massive advocate for seaweed and fish emulsion in soil, but not sure about using them in

I mixed up some of the "Ocean Mist" as a foilar the other day, smells rank but looks to have lots of goodies in it the plants are loving.

My concern with all of the "seaweed" based additives that I may end up with too much N?

I know the proof is in the pudding as I will soon find out, but just wondering if anybody else using the NF range has anything to offer from their experience?


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No npk n seaweed so dont worry. 


Imo seaweed has its uses as a plant growth regulator, I only use it for my cacti as nutrition, as they love loads of minor nutrients and seaweed has heaps.


The seaweed product I use is nitrozyme, besides that I would use arcadian, as both those seaweeds used are shown to have high cytokin levels. which is important from what Ivee read, auxin/cytokin growth varies depending on the conditions the seaweed have been exposed to.


As far as base nutes, i'm on my thrid companies a+b maybe fourth, there all the same, or at least very similar imo you wont find differences in growth 

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Thanks for that Frank  =)
Was one of the A+B's Nutrifield by chance?

I beleive you when you say that most premium A+B's are very similar in results, but was there any particular brand that you noticed the plants were a little healthier/green etc. as opposed to actual growth rate differences?

if you did compare the nutrifield, was there any discernible difference noticed?


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No I haven't used nutrifield sorry, but between house and garden and canna a + b as well as this cheaper im pretty sure aussie brand nulife there is no difference.


Although I haven't been looking and I have not done side by sides, as well as switching strains. 


In the end I haven't noticed any deficiencies when growing with these, other than when needing more food in general. 

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nf zyme is like nitrozyme and rhizotonic mixed together.  it is a fantastic veg additive, but a little messy in the tank.

The base a And B are really good, they are def on par with Canna and H&G , Alaska Pure is a great product.  I have used the carbo boost and Fulife and I did definitely notice the ec drop dramatically over a couple of days meaning the plants def took in more nute. But for some reason I dont use them regulary, maybe im lazy lol. Nutrifield most definitly make quality products. I wouldnt use bricks though.

One dicernable differance I noticed in using NF (organic base) vs Canna HG (synthetic base) was in the quality of the finished product. NF came out in top here, which is why  I use it now as thats what i am after, price not really an option.

But as Ive said in a previous post I use a number of products from a few differant companies,

My hydro shop guy gave me his personal program and im loving it

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Thanks Meddle, great response ;)

Im still looking at the samples and giving them a whiff lol

They all smell pretty putrid (in a healthy good way)... but the cargo boost is the only one I would use as an aftershave... mmm chitosan :P

Ive been told by NF that they are, for lack of a better word... "sticky" in comparison to other nutrients even at low EC's?

I think Id like to give Zyme (instead of Rhizo and Cannazyme) and AB a go for veg... and Cargo Boost and AB for flower. Cargo Boost I think would be comparable to Dutch Masters ADD .27 which I have good results with previously.

I pretty much want to stack NF against Canna..... but I dont think I will swap Canna Boost for Alaska Pure yet...

Can you compare Alaska against other bloom additves/resin producers?


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