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auto flowering seed

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I grew some autos recently.


They grow faster and reach a smaller maximum size.

They arnt a scam, in that they do what they claim.


But most people dont grow them because:


More expensive seeds

Cant clone them

Cant control when it flips from veg to flower

Cant get as big yeild as non-autos



they are ok to play with or for a quick grow or small area maybe... :blink:


From what I understand theres 3 main variety of weed


sativa - big

indica - medium - stocky

ruderalis - small - auto flowering


Some breeders cross breed some sativa or indica with the ruderalis to give it the auto-flowering ability, but it also gets all the disadvantages I just mentioned.


Thats my take on autos :)


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Ruderalis is the industrial hemp strain, which is generally about 10% of the breed, and only used to get the autoflowering characteristic.

I did a little run of the Lowryder #2, which was cool for some fun. 4 plants got me an ounce in some pots in a greenhouse in about 2 months. I'm probably gonna have a go with one or two other varietals in a PC soon. I'm interested in the Short Stuff Mi5 personally, sounds like it's a little more generous in terms of yield. Here's a good list of what is out there these days - http://www.dope-seeds.com/auto_flowering_seeds.htm

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