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tricks to weed out male seeds?

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just wondering if there is any tricks i can do to get more females from my seeds?i know its a 50/50 chance to get a female but is there any ways to increse the chances to get females?im sick of growing good plants then they grow balls on me!im not to keen on buyn female seeds from internet heard to many scams.would it be possible to shoot my seeds now at the start of winter and let them flower, cut the little buds off and keep them alive for summer to grow out??any suggestions would be fantastic
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Hey my contribution for what its worth, i've still got alot to learn but here goes


The Water Boy, you can judge if a seed is viable to grow by looking at its appearance, color, size if it crushes etc, but as far as sexing a seed visually if that is what I think you were asking, its impossible. I've heard of female hormones which the seed can be soaked in but never seen or tried these..


In regards to planting seeds now, in southern climates I doubt they'd even sprout outside, the days are too short so not enough light and long cold nights.. Plants are like us I reckon and they like about 24 - 26 degrees usually im pretty sure. I'd thought about putting some established plants out end of august but the days will start getting too long before any flower cycle can really kick on and the plant will reveg I'm sure.



Puka I've read conflicting reports..I'm pretty sure if you let the hermie pollen pollenate another female then thered be an even greater chance of mostly female seeds from the pollenated female

But I think you have increased hermie tendencies in seeds from a Hermie'd plant. Like more sensistive to stress effect etc.. I'm not talking from experience and I'd love for you to prove me wrong but it does kinda makes sense, A plant which for genetic or stress reason has turned hermie and is producing offspring, im pretty sure its going to be getting alot traits from She-male mummy including sex glands...

heres an article from some breeders relative: www cannabisculture.com/v2/node/394

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I have heard that if you have afemale that goes hermi on you you will get all femaele seeds.. I have a girl that two days ago all of a sudden got nuts all over it, so I put her outside and will hopefully in a couple of months have a whole heap of female seeds..


hay bro if you get a hermi , big chance most the sweeds will be he / she's :thumbdown:

only way i know to get fem seeds is a proces called STS ,

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waterboy unfortunately there is no way to increase the ratio of females to males from a given batch of seeds

you proposal to grow plants now and then hope they re-veg as winter turns to spring/summer may work , but its asking alot of the plant and really making life hard for it and you may even lose them

but its been done before and it is worth a shot if you have the patience and seeds to do it



I have heard that if you have afemale that goes hermi on you you will get all femaele seeds.. I have a girl that two days ago all of a sudden got nuts all over it, so I put her outside and will hopefully in a couple of months have a whole heap of female seeds..


Puka there is a difference .. if your female spontaneously turned hermie all by itself e.g. without environmental stresses or human intervention, then it is a hermaphrodite, and will throw down hermaphrodite genes to the successive generations


if your female was stressed either by extreme environmental factors and/or deliberate human intervention to a point where she became so frustrated she grew male reproductive glands and fertilized herself, then the following generation will in the main be female plants with just a small number being hermie plants



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