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High risks: cannabis and psychosis

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High risks: cannabis and psychosis


By Quentin Dempster



There is now widely believed to be a link between the stronger cannabis distributed clandestinely throughout Australia and increasing cases of severe psychosis such as schizophrenia.


Both the Mental Health Review Tribunal in NSW and the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre have said publicly that if cannabis was removed from the chemistry of young brains, the incidence of schizophrenia in this country would be dramatically reduced. Adolescents who start to use cannabis at any time are considered particularly vulnerable because the human brain does not complete its development until the early to mid 20s.


Mr Greg James QC, president of the tribunal, said cannabis often cocktailed by users with the many licit (alcohol and tobacco) and illicit drugs (amphetamines) was producing what was broadly known as 'drug induced psychosis'. After many years of the tribunal's work assessing mentally ill people incarcerated after catastrophic criminal events, he believed psychosis could be reduced to negligible levels if cannabis was removed from the chemical equation. Greg James was speaking at a Richmond Fellowship symposium on cannabis and mental illness in Sydney last week.


Without cannabis in the chemistry of the brain psychiatrists and clinicians could make more accurate diagnoses of mental illness leading to more effective treatment and stabilisation of the individual.


Professor Jan Copeland, director of the NCPIC a government-backed preventative agency, told 7.30 NSW that if cannabis was taken out of the picture the incidence of schizophrenia in Australia could be reduced by 8 to 14 per cent. She could not be more specific. That guesstimate was based on overseas studies. There have been no studies in Australia. This is revealing.


Australians love marijuana and do not seem to care that its current stronger THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical component produced through plant variety selection and hydroponic cultivation comes with much greater risk of psychosis with all the long term and devastating impact on mental illness that can bring. A Richmond Fellowship survey (1,000 people selected by region, gender and demographic methodology) shows regular users of cannabis are largely ignorant of the risks and dangers. The problem is acute in indigenous communities where marijuana is smoked excessively.


The outlaw motor cycle gangs and the freelance growers and dealers who cultivate and distribute cannabis in Australia also do not seem to care that many cannabis users, particularly those with a family history of mental illness, are being seduced down a path to the destruction of their mental health.


Higher THC content comes from cultivating hybrid varieties and processing cannabis flowers, buds and heads known to have a higher THC concentration. Under hydroponic cultivation through control of lighting, humidity and temperature up to four crops a year can be produced. THC interacts with receptors in the brain and can produce the 'stoned' or 'high' effects of heightened awareness loved by many. Many users dilute their 'spliffs' or 'joints' with tobacco. But the psychoactive strength of THC can also trigger or exacerbate, through repeated use, hallucinations, anxiety, panic attacks and paranoid delusions leading to, if properly assessed, a diagnosis of schizophrenia. For those who do not suffer psychosis from the effects, the long term detriments are addiction and dependence (social isolation and unemployability) and profound memory loss. One in 10 cannabis users become dependant.


The symposium was told by one health worker that he knew smart users who only grew cannabis plants with greater concentration of the more medicinal cannabinoid CBD which actually counters the THC effects and had an anti-anxiety, pain relief and relaxation effect. This CBD cannabis was grown for personal use as a direct counter to the higher THC cannabis or 'hydro cannabis' currently on the Australian market. The pharmaceutical and pain relief benefits of CBD (cannabidiols) in cannabis have been studied internationally but one experienced psychiatrist, Dr Andrew Campbell, told the symposium paracetamol would have just as beneficial analgesic effects.


State governments concerned about criminalising young people for possession of small quantities of cannabis have implemented a cautioning system over recent years. But evidence shows there is little or no follow-up from the cautioning. No enlightened provider of mental health services wants to go back to criminalising the possession of small quantities of dope, but they are calling out for greater public and user awareness of the great danger from the contemporary cannabis black market.


Cannabis currently sells on the streets of Australia for about $20 a gram, $50 for three grams, $80 to $90 for seven grams or from $280 to $320 an ounce.


In spite of regular police drug squad raids and seizures of cannabis from hydroponic cultivation factories and satellite detection of field-grown product, the taxpayer-funded law enforcement effort has had no discernible impact on the price or availability of cannabis on the streets of Australia. It is everywhere and easily reaches the affluent and the unemployed. There is a user/dealer sub-culture where dealers provide credit to impecunious users waiting for their next dole or pay cheque.


Researchers Professor Ken Clements and Xueyan Zhao of the University of Western Australia have guesstimated that from data available up to 1998 the value of the cannabis market in Australia was $5.6 billion, two thirds of then beer sales and twice the market value of wine sales. It is hard to estimate the value of the market. There are no invoices, no receipts and no BAS statements for GST. This guesstimate was based on drug possession and arrest data, crop seizures, interdictions at the customs barriers, hospitalisations and user surveys of regular or occasional consumption and expenditure. With population growth and affluence it would be wise to get a government agency to update this figure and track current consumption trends and the actual size of this market by 2011. But there seems to be little criminal intelligence available to better inform the public about what is really going on.


Those bikies shooting and bludgeoning each other to death or spraying suburban homes with bullets in drive-by shootings are not indulging in inter-club rivalry out of pride of membership. They are out to disrupt a competitor's supply or distribution system to try to get greater control of Australia's now very lucrative illicit poly drugs market. The outlaw motor cycle gang network involved in the cultivation/manufacture and distribution of both cannabis and amphetamines including ice is now criminally significant in this country. But again there seems to be little published criminal intelligence into the power of these black market forces.


The products reach their customer base at the point of sale every day of the week and the cash flows freely. There is a considerable money laundering offshoot to this substantial industry, which could be seen as the sick triumph of private enterprise.


Although the symposium debated legalising cannabis and regulating it like tobacco and alcohol, it was acknowledged that current state and federal governments lacked the political courage to do so. No country in the world has yet legalised cannabis. Many have decriminalised it and tried to divert cannabis users to health support programs. Others impose the death penalty on convicted traffickers.


So… if there are any Australian bikies reading this, will you please consider redesigning your business plans to cultivate only CBD component cannabis as an alternative product to high THC-concentration cannabis?


Please try to be more responsible in future.


If this plea will not work, perhaps a threat will:


Otherwise there will be a greater political momentum to hunt down the scum who are destroying the mental health of thousands of young Australians.





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No surprise here, its loing been proven that smoking weed causes psychosis. It 100% accepted scientific fact, anybody that disputes it is a moron.


All of us stoners risk our mental health (ie psychosis) every time we have it, so what?


I am a drug addict to the stuff, so I smoke it, fuck everyone else. Though sometimes I reckon I get pretty close to psychotic on it. I know sooner or later I may go psychotic. I can't quit cause its harder for me to quit than heroin.

Edited by SpunOutStoner
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good question puka

CBD a compound contained in Cannabis in widely varying concentrations

it has been proven to relieve anxiety, vomiting and prevent cancer cells growing amongst other things


so if your weed has a good amount of CBD in it the theory is the less likely you will be to skitz out

it has even been shown to reduce schizophrenic symptoms, it has been claimed to be anti-psychotic

some tests even say it reduced memory loss caused by THC in mammals

errr what was i talking about ... :doh:


they reckon the real psychoactive strains stoners have bred to get high e.g. Skunk etc

are high on THC, low on CBD and thats why some peeps go schizophrenic on Cannabis

there is not enuf CBD to THC ratio

well thats the way some researchers and GW pharmaceuticals see it

but its not my views


'news' reporters dont know diddley-squat about the real Cannabis facts they just print what the Corporate and Government Media units release



Edited by Frazz
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They said some similar stuff for alcohol that it inhibits brain development or something, I don't usually pay attention to PSAs. The only thing I really agreed with was the statement that the government are composed of a bunch of cowards. Legalize it, allow people to grow it and buy it but have people apply for licenses to sell it, everyones happy in the end.
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Since Gw Pharm came out with sativex and their 'magical' 50/50 ratio of CBD to THC the media and groups like the NCPIC have been running with this new anti-psychosis ball. No coincidence imo.


How growing hydroponically equates to higher THC I have no idea either :faint: (you are showing just how naive you are on this subject Quentin :thumbdown:)


Although the symposium debated legalising cannabis and regulating it like tobacco and alcohol, it was acknowledged that current state and federal governments lacked the political courage to do so.


So they as the supposed experts on this can't debate legalising cannabis and regulating it like tobacco and alcohol even though they want to because current state and federal governments lack the political courage to do so. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:


Otherwise there will be a greater political momentum to hunt down the scum who are destroying the mental health of thousands of young Australians.


By that do you mean spend more wasted money, spread more propaganda and lies, deprive sick people of their medicine, place kids at risk sourcing cannabis on the black market and help continue and increase the countless more negative impacts and effects cannabis prohibition has on the Australian community?


If you are right Quentin and there is a danger with cannabis low in CBD and high in THC, why are you not calling for a licenced regulated supply market like with alcohol and tobacco? If you are genuine Quentin and not just trying to score emotional points from your readers surly this would be the best thing a man in your position could do? Not make hollow threats to invisible people as you have above.


Please try to be more responsible in future.


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black :doh:



Peace MongyMan

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Cannabis leads to Psychosis? Hmmmmm...... Interesting "Theory" , from all the stuff I've read, seems more likely it triggers pre-existing conditions in some people but doubt it actually causes it.

But you'll find in a lot of drug studies people will own up to being Cannabis users but leave out the fact they shovel Meth on the weekend and drink like fish most of the week, then wonder why they are having problems.

Im wid Mongy, Alcohol is messing up heaps of kids but because it's legal and the government makes a shit load of tax dollars out of it, it is overlooked.

Propaganda machine is ramping up for a Pharma led supply of THC for sure.

All the above dribble from Quentin really shows is the need to legalize Cannabis so it can be taxed regulated and take the black market outta the picture...............hmmmmmm.......... just like alcohol........... crack pots. :ack:

If ya have problems when ya smoke pot, try a different strain or even simpler...... don't smoke it.

I get sick of people blame all their problems on Canna..........theres usually a lot more under lying issues going on we don't get to see or hear about that are the root of the problem.

Peace. Gh72

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