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Water Curing

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Been getting some medicine lately that is quite fowl, pretty sure its the source of my head aches too.

I'm a long way off from supplying myself and dont often have choice when it comes to supply.

So i was hoping this oz would be different but alas its the same.


It seems to me this has definately been fed right up to picking and it sure shows! Not that I'd know but what else..

Which led me to think what about water curing..


I put 5 g submerged in water to try it out.


They recommend 6 days in a dark spot changing the water daily. And then dehydrator till almost dry on low heat.

But thats fresh buds.

Mine are already dryed.. I'm not sure whether I need to use the full 6 days but i think i will anyway.

What I am really trying to do is simply flush out all this fert and taste, which water curing is well known to remove most flavours..


So has anyone else ever done this?


I will be sure to let you know on the results, end weight etc...

And in the mean time I think i might try another d tomorrow as I really dont think its healthy what ever it is.


The container was abit full of water when i was putting on the lid, so instead of tip a few micro red hairs down the drain i drank some out, tasted slightly grassy

The water appeared cloudy immediately.


My biggest concern is maybe water curing, pre dried buds WILL wash away any or some THC which has already been activated in the original drying process, but we will see,

maybe its been force dried quickly and theres some inner goodness waiting to be unleashed by this glorious curing technique.. :blink: . :bongon:

I can dream can't I


I'll be sure to post this time next week if it worked.. seems like ages :doh:



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Can't you just do the proper curing ? Maybe hang them in dark cool place, or put them in Glass Jar. Either way it's good.

Dont think normal curing will help flush any fertilizers which should have been flushed when growing, so I'm hoping water curing will help flush some out,

can only hope it hasn't been trappped in the original drying process

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Hey fish, Water will not leach any THC out of buds so no harm in trying.. good luck

Yeah i was thinking about it in bed last night and realised that...I think i was somehow worrried trichomes will be washed away, anyway

See how we go


Gotta ad it was a very strange feeling purposefully wetting dry buds lol...

Edited by mjfish
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yea mate i feel ya pain...


having to purchase crap bud that hasn't been flushed is grade A bullshit.


I also find when getting it off some randoms that you get wet buds, the fuckers spray them down with water to increase weight - dirty fucks they couldn't give a shit about mold.


The sooner i'm not relying on uneducated high functioning retards the better!


let us know how this turns out mate, i've very interested :D

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their is a lot of threads about this on the net... even tutes... it works exctly as they describe... your weed will have basicaly no taste or smell and will be more potent (per weight wise)


Every thread I have read has been in regards to a fresh harvest, I'd never heard or seen it been done to pre dried matter, and wondered if it would have the same effect.

I have to say it definately DID not.


There is still quite a distinct smell about it and the flavour is less harsh but still prominent, I am very suprised.

I lost about 20 percent too which i think is strange but perhaps it wasn't dry properly in the first place.


The water the first two flushes was quite yellowish beige.

The smoke quality has definately improved but it is hardly the result I had expected

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I was probably a bit rash with my judgement,

after drying the rest of it out I have found the smell to have decreased dramatically, tho still has a faint smell.

The flavour has reduced dramatically also tho still slightly there.

I'd say this process did work however is probably not as effective as with fresh bud.


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