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Seeds growing out of the ground


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Hey ppl


Ok I finally got some baby seedlings growing, just chucked one seed per plasic cup filled with potting mix and waited. 7 out of 12 have sprouted since last friday, latest one popped its head out today lol


Almost cooked the poor things when I put them outside in 'full sun' - they were only out for about 6 hrs but they were so nearly dead! lol At least one doesnt look like it will make it. I was so excited to see the first signs of life from those dull looking seeds :P


Anyway, 2 of them have come up with the seed open at the top of the stem :rolleyes: is this normal?? Are they growing upside down or something?



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Anyway, 2 of them have come up with the seed open at the top of the stem  is this normal?? Are they growing upside down or something?

Nah, it'll fall off (the husk). I love germinating seedlings. They take off so fast, it's amazing. I don't know how many times I've said that, watching pot grow is amazing. Overnight, it will happen! :rolleyes:

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i read in a few places including Marijuana gowers guide deluxe edition that when u sprout seeds and u get a sprout that u have to help take its shell casing off that the plant grown from that sprout will be very favourable for breeding...ie bigger more potent buds and every time i have had to take the shell off it has been a female ;)


i actually helped one of my kali mist sprouts like 2-3 days ago with its shell and i have put it aside...will be noting any differences in growing patterns ;)

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